The Pure Or Evil

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~ Ann ~

It's like Eicchi is looking right through me. I feel as though I am small and helpless.....
"Right this way" the two butlers say and lead us upstairs. I felt so comfortable......
I look at Abby, she was in love mode again.

I get a text.
'Are you okay, AnnChan?" Natsuki asks

'Hijirikawa is worried about you, he's going to the falls again' Ren says

'How's AbAbChan!!?' Reiji asks

'Don't forget about your assignments' Camus says
Before anyone else texts back.

I texts to Natsuki.
'Abby and I are okay :)'
I text Ren saying
'He'll be okay, I'm sure.....I'll call him soon.....'
I text Reiji.
'Abby is fine, don't worry :)'
I text Camus.
'I won't forget, CamusSenpai :)'

~ Abby ~

Ann is getting texts from the others. It's weird......every time I look at Kira, I can't look away......hmmmm.....

*vibration constantly*

I sigh. I look at my phone.
10 texts from Ren.
6 from Reiji.
1 from Tokiya.
2 from Satsuki.
I sigh.
I look at Rens first.
"I'll take that!" Nagi grabs my phone

I turn around seeing Nagi.
"No phones! I'll text them for you" Nagi says with a mean smile
"Give it back!" I yell
"Daame~" Nagi runs off with our phones
I look at Ann.
"I let the guys know......that they shouldn't worry" she says
" gonna be really mad...." I sigh

~ Ann ~

Is Ren really that type?
"We'll find a phone.....later" Abby says and we walk into our room
As we walked in. It was huge!
"It's bigger than our dorms" Abby says
Mine was the blue side. Abby was the purple side.
It looked really pretty.....

The butlers left the room while we unpacked our things.
"I have a bad feeling......" Abby says sitting on the edge of her bed. I felt like my heart is being squeezed or my body is telling me something....
"Whispered Secrets.....fufufu..." Raging enters the room with Heavens

~ Abby ~

Talk about not knocking?
"Heavens" I say and stand beside Ann
Eicchi is smiling like a creepy person. Nagi is just giving us mean glares of disgust.
"Be in the dance room by 7am! Don't you dare be late! Or.....there will be a punishment" Nagi says

Ann tightens her grip on my hand. Eicchi comes towards this way and grabs Ann's hand. He bows to her and gives her a kiss on her knuckles. I open my mouth in shock.

~ Ann ~

Oh dear.......I gulp....his eyes are not scary?.....his smile is different?......
"Goodnight" he says and puts his hands back in his pockets then starts leaving the room.
What just happened?
"Eh???" Abby says
I stare at Abby then saw Kira walking towards her.

I put my mouth into a thin line. This excited feeling I was getting because I always wanted to see Kira show emotions but,

He bows to her and leaves the room.

"Eh?" I say
Abby looks at him for a bit then she runs to him and hugs him.
"Don't be so formal!!!" Abby says happily
I saw Kira slightly blushing. I smile.
Suddenly, Nagi pushes me.
"Your smile is hideous!" Nagi says
I look at him.
"Everyone is beautiful......every smile is unique and different......" I say and smile at him

He looks away.
"Oh.....anyway! Don't be late, you! You! Ugly duckling!" Nagi says and leaves,

Nagi---you are surprisingly very kawaii

Unexpected Adventure Into UtapriOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz