You Get Captured

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"Well, it's that time of year again," you announce cheerfully.

"Hmm?" B/f/n looks up from the magazine she's reading. You hold up a CD and then slip it into your shoulder bag. "Oh. The moron's birthday."

You sling your bag over your shoulder. "You guessed it. And I thought you were trying to be nice to Kai now?"

B/f/n flips the page on her magazine. "I'm too tired to be nice right now."

"Okay, whatever." You glance over your shoulder on your way out the door. "Are you sure you don't want to come with me and sleep over? There's plenty of room, and the guys would be thrilled to see you more often."

"Nah, not tonight. I'd rather just stay home." B/f/n waves a hand at you without looking up. "Go on, have your fun. I think I can be on my own for one night without destroying the place."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," you chuckle.

B/f/n rolls her eyes "Get out of here and let me read!"

You step outside and close the door. "Okay, I'm going, you little bookworm. Don't burn the house down while I'm gone, okay?"

"I heard that!" b/f/n yells after you. You just laugh and head for the monastery.

You're walking to the bus stop when you get the feeling that someone's watching you. You check over your shoulder, but nobody's there. You walk faster—the bus stop is just around the corner.

You're almost there when someone clamps a hand over your mouth from behind. You start struggling and kicking, but whoever it is is too strong for you. They must have been hiding in an alley and waited for you to walk past before grabbing you. You fumble your cell phone out of your pocket, dropping your bag in the process, and try to speed dial Kai. Before you can finish, someone else shoves a cloth bag or maybe a blindfold over your head and swats your phone from your hand.

The hand over your mouth moves away for a moment. You take a breath to scream, but then the hand comes back, holding a damp cloth over your mouth. You hold your breath for as long as you can, but finally you have to inhale. Your struggles get weaker, the world starts to spin, and your last sensation is of being picked up and carried before everything goes black.

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