"I remember listening to the adults talk when Xavier was attacked almost ten years ago," Kyle said. "They said he was going to start turning dark around seventeen. Like Sensei Garmadon when he was Lord Garmadon."

Julia covered her mouth with her hands and began to cry. She knew that's what it was. Kyle wrapped his arms around her and held her close. They stayed like that for a long time. They sat up when they heard yelling.

"Get off my daughter, Xavier!" They heard Kai yelled.

"What the hell?" Kyle asked incredulously. They stuck their head out the door and watch the scene unfold.


Xavier slammed his door but it opened almost right away.

"You almost hit my nose," Katrina said.

"Sorry," he sighed. He sat down and rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's getting worse?"

"What do you think?!" Xavier snapped. There was silence for a few moments. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped."

"It's okay," Katrina said. She sat down next to him and played with his hair.

"I don't understand why this had to happen to me! Why only me?! Why not Julia?! Oh ya! She has Dad's light power! I have dark power! I'm not wishing this on her but why me?!"

"I don't know," Katrina said softly.

Xavier leaned over and kissed her. She kissed him back and ran a hand through his hair. He stuck his tongue in her mouth and she sighed. Things began to grow more heated when the door opened. Xavier froze. He was practically on top of Katrina and this would look really bad. He looked up slowly to see Kai practically shaking.

"Get off my daughter, Xavier," he growled in a low voice. "Or so help me I will do it for you."

"Look, Dad," Katrina explained. "This isn't as bad as it looks."

"You be quiet," Kai said angrily. Katrina hardened her gaze angrily but did as she was told.

"I'm sorry, Kai-," Xavier started.

"Lloyd!" Kai yelled. "Lloyd!"

"What is it?" Lloyd asked poking his head from his room. He grew alarmed at Kai's face. "What?"

"Dad, it's not that big of a deal," Katrina said grinding her teeth.

"It is! He didn't even bother to ask me if he could be with you!" Kai said with rage. "And then I find you two making out on a bed practically all over each other!"

"Huh?!" Lloyd asked coming up behind Kai. Kai looked about ready to pound Xavier. "What is going on?"

"I found your son making out with my daughter!" Kai yelled.

"What?" Lloyd asked confused. "Kai, isn't that their-"

"He didn't ask me! If he had asked me I probably wouldn't have said no, but he didn't ask!"

"I'm sorry, Kai, I should've asked," Xavier apologized.

"Xavier," Lloyd pinched the bridge of his nose. "How close were they, Kai?"

"He was on top of her!"

"Xavier," Lloyd said rubbing his temple. "You know what I've said about this!"

"C'mon it's not like you never did this with mom when you were my age!" Xavier shouted.

"That doesn't matter!" Lloyd yelled. "You know better than this! Besides, I didn't even know your mom at this age!"

"You're one to talk!" Xavier said angrily. "You got mom pregnant with us before you were married!"

Lloyd looked at him with a surprised look, "and it wasn't right! But I was much older and we aren't even on this topic!"

"Don't be a hypocrite, Dad!"

"Xavier!" Katrina shouted. "Calm down!"

Xavier looked absolutely furious and then all of a sudden his eyes flashed red. Lloyd stumbled back and knocked over the hallway table. Xavier looked at him confused. Katrina gasped and Kai went pale. Lloyd looked frozen and Xavier almost saw a deep horror in his eyes.

"Everyone just stay away from me," Xavier said backing up. "I'm a menace!"

With that he ran to the window and jumped. He powered up his dragon and flew off. Lloyd called after him but Xavier ignored him. Lloyd went to follow him but Kai put a hand on his shoulder.

"He needs some time to himself," Kai said softly. "Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so angry. I think I pushed him too far."

"I agree with that!" Katrina said angrily. She stormed out of the room leaving her father still angry but at a loss for words.

"You didn't overreact," Lloyd said. "I would've reacted the same way of I had caught a boy kissing my daughter in that way. I just hope Xavier doesn't distance himself. Otherwise he will never win this battle."

A/n- Wow, things are getting tense! You guys probably guessed something was going on between Katrina and Xavier. Do you think Kai overreacted? I don't think he did. How he reacted was mild. My dad would've killed the guy, raised him from the dead, and killed him again. Hope you enjoyed! -LL_17

Mending Torn Bonds {Book Four in the Four Winds series}Where stories live. Discover now