The Aftermath...

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Desire was receiving all kinds of phone calls from everybody, but she played it cool. It had been almost 48 hours since anybody had seen or heard from Javan'te.

"No Ms. Lisa, I haven't seen him." she said sounding convincing. "We had a fight, he hit me, and I went to go stay at my cousin's house. I haven't heard from him since that day."

"So he hasn't gotten in touch with you or anything?"

"No, not at all. I left him."

"So you guys broke up?"

"Yes, it was only right. I can't have him hitting me in front of my child. If he doesn't care to I have to set the better example, and I'm not going to let Amir witness that anymore."

"I understand completely. So how long has this been going on?"

"As long as we've been together."

"I'm sorry baby. Ok, well me and him had a fight if you hear from him please tell him to call me."

"I will."

You knew bitch. Trying to make it seem like you didn't. Desire thought to herself.

Her phone rang again right after that.


"Yo where my mans at?"

"What? Who is this?"

"It's Big. Yo where is Javan'te at?"

"Oh hey Big." she said non chelate. "I don't know. We had a fight, he hit me, and I went to my cousins house. I haven't seen him."

"He told me what happened."

"About what?"

"About the papi you left with."

"You mean the guy that asked for directions?" she laughed. "You know what Big, fuck you."

"Fuck me?"

"Yeah, fuck you! Because you know Javan'te was fucking other bitches and you never once told him to chill. Plus besides the fact he was beating my ass! Maybe he's laid up with one of his hoes, cause he sure ain't with me, so call one of them!" Click.

"Baby you did a good job." said Javier. "Now all you have to do is go back and get the drugs out of the house so we can plant them on him ok."


"It's not fucked up. He would've got caught anyway. At least we decided not to kill him. So this way when Amir grows up, if he ever wonders about his Dad, he can go see him."

"I know."

Desires thoughts were all over the place as she sat on the hotel room couch with Javier as he caressed her leg. She kissed his neck and laid her head on his shoulder. She never thought it would come to this, but Javier was right. At least they were all walking away with their lives, even if Javan'te would spend the rest of his in jail.

Desire went back to her house in the middle of the night being quiet as possible. She noticed out the corner of her eye she saw Bigs car. She immediately called Javier.

"Baby, his friend is outside the house."

"I got you baby. Make sure you lock the doors and just take a little longer. Like change your clothes make it look like you took a shower. June and Rome right around the corner, you're safe."


This was perfect because Big was the missing piece of the puzzle. None of them have ever seen each other in life before all this. If Big wanted to follow or harm Desire, he could go right down with his boy Javan'te as far as Javier was concerned. Two for the price of one.

Desire came out of the house a half an hour later, clothes changed like Javier said. She had her big duffle bag and another all blue duffle bag. She was trying to throw Big off because he knew that the black one was used for drugs, but he had never seen the blue one.

Hmm....maybe she not lying. She could have clothes in there. Big thought to himself.

Desire was smart. She had the black duffle bag with the drugs inside surrounded by her clothes. She walked around the corner and Big began to move his car. She saw Rome in a cab and she hopped in.

"Where is Javier?"

"He's tailing mama, we got this. You ok."

"Ok, ok." Desire said nervously. "Yeah I'm ok."

The plan was for Javier to hit Big's truck and they would ambush him.

Driving not too close Javier waited for the right time, and SMACK!

He got out of the car with June and Hector. "Oh papa, I sorry. I so sorry."

"Yo man, what the fuck is wrong with your eyes?"

"I can no see at night time to good papa."

As Big was looking down at his vehicle, June and Hector quickly rushed his head to hit the trunk and it knocked him out. June kept going, and went to the Warehouse. He brought back a beat up Javan'te and they stuck him in the car trunk with Big. They beat Big up a little more. Javier took the black duffle bag out of the blue one wearing gloves. June ghost ride the cab into the back of the truck again.

June had a professional cab driver's license. He called the cops and the others left. The cops and ambulance showed up. The cops had been watching Javan'te and had probable cause to search the vehicle. They found the drugs. After the hospital visit, both Big and Javan'te were arrested and charged with Kingpin charges.

Desire didn't feel good about it, it was her child's father. All she could be content with was he was alive and not dead. Whether or not he was locked up, at least his family would now know where he was. She was free, and she never felt so at ease.

Three years had went by. Javier and Desire were married, and pregnant, Amir was in school, June, Hector, and Rome all decided to go straight.

Desire had not paid Javan'te a visit or wrote a letter, and when his family called with him on the phone to speak to her, she turned them down. She told them she had nothing to say to him because he had hurt her to the core too many times. She just wanted to leave the past in the past. Besides, they never cared about her well being in the first place, not enough.

Despite Javan'te being upset, he never once told the cops, or his family about Desire's involvement in his arrest. He made a decision to face what he had did wrong and finally start to be a good man. She deserved her happiness, even if she went about it in a dirty way. When you're in the game, there are no rules, and every decision you make, has a consequence.

Have you made wise decisions?

THE END.... 

Part II Broken Promises almost finished

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