"Well, you see, I'm the alpha–." Peter snickered, simply taking a step closer.


I furrowed my eyebrows at the sudden sound echoing behind me, Stiles and I hesitantly swinging our head around to face the nurse. Who was in the process of collapsing towards the ground. For Derek had thankfully arrived and knocked her unconscious. Or dead. Either way she was currently out of the question.

"That's not very nice, she was my nurse."

"No, she was a psychotic woman helping you kill people. Get out the way." Derek hissed, his eyes flashing a vibrant blue as he glanced over at us.

Stiles waisted no time before shoving us both to the ground and behind a fairly large counter. In attempt to protect us from the current attack beginning to take place.

"You think I killed Laura on purpose?" Peter snarled, "My own family?"

Derek just growled triumphantly, his once short finger-nails growing into long, enormous claws.

And, without warning nor hesitation. Peter launched himself onto Derek.

Stiles took this as a beautiful time to try and escape the building. Gripping my arm a bit tighter as we crawled spastically around the squeaky hospital floors.

And we had eventually made it behind, yet again, another counter. This one seeming a bit larger and secure than the previous one.

Stiles reluctantly peered around our current protector, checking to see if the coast was at least somewhat clear. But, obviously, it wasn't. For when he looked back at me his arms were flailing and his eyes wide.

Before I could process what was happening, Derek was alarmingly smashed into one of the large hospital windows.

Stiles threw himself over me, in attempt to shield me from the dangerous flying pieces of glass. My heart swelled a bit at the action, but a large shard of glass lay punctured in my arm. Thankfully nothing some disinfectant and gauze can't fix. It would definitely sting, but hopefully no stitches this time.

I did what I had to do, yanking it uncomfortably out of my skin. I let out an unpleasant whimper and squinted my eyes, cringing immensely.

Well, in reality where on earth would I go to get stitched up? Definitely not the hospital, that's for sure.

"Run!" Stiles yelled, the two of us beginning to sprint out of that awful hospital. Derek could hopefully take care of himself.

Our shoes clapped ungracefully against the concrete, Stiles and my hand still connected with a tight embrace.

We launched ourselves into the blue jeep. Stiles, without hesitation, flooring it out of the parking lot. We were both breathing heavily, slight whimpers escaping our mouths.

"Are you okay?" Asked Stiles, shifting his gaze to me worriedly. I saw him glancing down at my seat-belt. Most likely wanting to give me the very unwanted seat-belt lecture.

"Yeah— yeah. I just need to get this cleaned up." I pointed to the gash inserted in my wrist. Blood was oozing out of it, and it was extremely disgusting.

"Oh-oh my god no. Are you okay? Obviously not. You got hurt? I saw the glas–"

I cut him off, shaking my head. "Stiles, I'm fine, we just need to get home so I can clean this up. It hurts."

"I'm sorry, Mel. I should have made you stay in the car."

"And let you have all the excitement to yourself." I chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood, "I don't think so."

"Still making sarcastic remarks even though there's a hole in your arm?" Stiles smiled lightly, panic still lacing his voice.

"It's a scratch." I corrected, "And yes, of course I am."

"Open the compartment thing under the dashboard, I think I have some tissues in there. That may help with the bleeding." Stiles stated, not even giving me a chance to open it. For he had opened it himself.

"Focus on the road, I'll tend to myself." I sighed, grabbing a few tissues. Watching as the white thin paper was soon dyed a deep red.

Stiles grimaced slightly, "Alright, is your mom home?"

"No, no I think she had to attended some meeting thing with her boss. She told me she wasn't going to be at the hospital tonight because of it. Thank god, I would have had a panic attack if something happened." I winced slightly, grabbing more tissues.

"Okay–, we're almost at your house."

I sighed, staring out the window. Thinking about how stupid I had to me to get myself into these insane situations.

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