As per usual, I was placed in the backseat of the familiar baby blue jeep. Stiles planted in the front and Derek slouched in the passenger side. I currently had my phone pressed up against my ear, Scott's frantic voice radiating from it.

"In Stiles' jeep. We got a little held up." I lied, not wanting to give him the complete truth. For he would freak out more than he already was. I mean, if I found out my mother sent that peculiar text message, I would be pretty upset to say the least.

"Well, did you get the picture I sent?" He asked.

"Yeah, we did. It looks just like the picture actually." I pursed my lips together along with the nod of my head.

Without warning, Derek pried the phone from my ear. Speaker phone being absentmindedly pressed while the werewolf began to holler things out, "Is there anything on the back?"

"I looked." Scott rambled. "There's nothing on it, in it, on the back of it. It doesn't even open."

"Of course." I muttered, leaning forward and gracefully retracting the phone from Derek's grip. Un-doing speaker phone and pressing it to my ear once more.

"Where are you guys? Stiles is suppose to be here. He's first freaking line!" Scott yelled, my ears perking up at the sudden sentence.

"What?" I rose an eyebrow, suddenly correcting my posture, "Stiles is first line?"

"Yeah–hold on one sec." Said Scott, muffled voices and footsteps now echoing about the quiet car.

"Stiles." I frowned at him, alongside the shake of my head. "You didn't tell me you were first line."

"If I told you, I would have been lectured on how I shouldn't be doing this, and that I should be on the field. This is more important, Melanie."

"Yeah, but–" I was cut off by Scott's voice returning.

"Tell Stiles that if he doesn't get here before it starts, he's not going to be first line anymore and he can't play."

I sighed, reluctantly delivering the not-so-promising message.

Stiles solemnly nodded, swallowing noticeably as he replied, "Tell him that if he sees my dad, to tell him that I'm coming. And that I'm just going to be a little late."

I opened my mouth to tell Scott, but he had already beat me to it. "I heard. Werewolf, remember?"

I nodded, even though he obviously couldn't see me, "Bye Scott."


"You're not going to make it." Derek stated coldly, not removing his eyes from the grey dashboard.

"I know."

I sighed, resting my head on the cold window, "Oh my god Stiles, I can't believe this. You make first line and now you're not going to get to play?"

"It's okay. This is more important."

It was silent, before Derek decided it was time to speak again. "You didn't tell him about his mom."

"He has a lot on his plate right now." I responded, "That would just make him upset, and the last thing we need right now is Scott wolfing out on the field and eating a bunch of innocent families."

It was once again, silent. The only sound being our rapid yet heavy breathing. Everyone seeming to take everything in all to quickly, and there wasn't much time to think everything through. But, I guess it didn't really matter. For if we were to wait, surly someone would end up dead.

"Why are we here anyways?" Asked Stiles, staring at the road sign ahead. The words, Beacon Hills hospital. Long term care, plastered across the front in white, bold, letters.

"To find out the truth." He replied bluntly, not bothering to even look at the two of us.

"And why are we going in for you?" I merely questioned.

"Because I'm sort of the most wanted criminal in California."

I pursed my lips together tightly, "Right. Again, sorry about that."

"Oh, and one more thing."

Without warning, Stiles' head was rammed roughly into the steering wheel. Taking not only Stiles, but me by absolute surprise. The jeep somewhat quaking in the process.

"OW!" Stiles yelled, clutching his nose with pain.

I narrowed my eyes, glaring at the werewolf, "What was that for?"

"You know what that was for." Derek growled, the whole Miguel ordeal suddenly coming to mind, "Now Go, Go, Go."

Stiles and I swiftly leaped out the car. Stiles still in the process of cradling his nose as I gave him a light smile. "Good thing we're at a hospital?"

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