He was right, I just didn't want to admit it. It's why the other day when I came to see Uncle Billy, I became angry and didn't run off. It was because I was now a stronger Alpha, and I was no longer afraid. It why I no longer run from my problems.

"Then who's been running the pack these past two years?" I finally asked.

"Jared since Jake isn't here and you didn't have a third command."

"...Okay, I'm Alpha. What else needs to be discussed?"

"You need pick a final second and third command." Old Quil spoke up.

"Lily." I turned to face Sue. "Think it over. We're giving you until after the legends are told."

"Also you need to watch Hunter, he's new but, he's still from Ephriam's bloodline, he's destined to lead 3rd command, that's why he blew up on Emily last night."

"Great." I muttered. This just got 100 times harder. Not only was I still dealing with my life but now i had to deal with everyone else.

By the time It was dark out, everyone was already sitting down around the fire listening to the legends. But I was distracted. Nobody had realized it but Paul. So he reached over and wrapped his arms around me as I leaned against him. I truly felt safe and loved and all I knew was that I loved this kid and had him.

I had Hunter next to me with Pipsqueak asleep on his lap. I was glad Hunter was between Billy and I. That way the council didn't notice I was distracted. All I could think was who was I supposed to choose? I could go with Tango since Jake wasn't here and he was the next one to phase from our bloodline. Or Seth since he was already leading.

Obviously not Paul, I love him but him being in command with me? Probably not a good idea. Then there's Nina and Leah. They both show they can, but then there's that part where it doesn't feel right.

It wasn't until I Paul shook me, that I realized uncle Billy had already finished sharing the legends and that everyone was starring at me. It was time for me to announce. How was I supposed to do this without them thinking I'm favoriting?

"As you know, my second in command was Jacob, I had chose him because he was the next one in the Black bloodline, but he won't be returning, for obvious reasons."

I looked around, I read right away that nobody was hoping to be in command. I knew that they just wanted an honest answer from me.

"The person I'm choosing has always came forward with their opinion, even if sometimes it was wrong, but I'm proud of this person and so my second in command will remain with Jared."

"I won't let you down." He respond, showing that he accepted the position as smiled down at Kim.

I was just about to sit down when Uncle Billy gave me the look. Which just caused me to sigh away and think. I looked around. Who could I pick? I knew I needed a young one still in School, someone who can lead the rest of them or be there in case there are ever new members.

"3rd in command will be someone who has also shown leadership from the very start. He's even proved it to the council, even if he doesn't know it himself, Hunter."

Most of the pack turned to look at him flabbergasted by my choice. I wasn't going to change my mind. Or care that they weren't really happy with my choice. If I had to put them in their place, then I would have to.

"Why me?" He asked getting up surprised with pipsqueak no longer in his arms. That's when I turned to look at Uncle Billy and Sam who gave me a nod.

"Hunter, don't doubt yourself. Last night, you went off on Emily, stating your opinion, and then you admitted it to me. You told me what you did. You knew I could have found out eventually, but you came to me honestly and openly."

"Are you sure?" Was all he asked. I tried to hold in my laugh.

"Yes. And before we forget, we need to make it official. Jared, would you like to do the honors?" He didn't need to respond, he left with Hunter and came back almost an hour later, and there it was on his right arm. The tribe tattoo.

"Welcome to the pack, Daddy."

"Daddy? Seriously? That's the nickname I get?" Hunter frowned a bit.

"Don't pout, it could be worse."

"What could be worse than being called Daddy."

"Uhh, embryo."

"Is that so? And what about duchess?" Embry walked up behind me with his hands in my shoulder.

"Duchess? Who's nickname is that?"

"It's yours, but it doesn't apply any more." Leah  explained, which I guess it did make sense in a way. "Anyway, how's Jeremiah holding up?"

"Not good. He's upset and angry from the resentment, but I don't see any signs of him phasing. But I did want to ask, when Nina and Tyler phased, how long apart was it?"

"Not long. Maybe, I wants to say 13 hours apart."

"Hmm. I'm just curious to why he hasn't. I honestly expected it much much sooner."
I really did. And I knew everyone felt the same. I just had no idea what was going in. Was he even going to phase? Would I have to keep him in the dark for the rest of his life?"

"Babe, are you ready?" Paul walked over to me from behind wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Definitely. Just give me a few minutes to speak with Jared and Hunter and Pipsqueak's asleep, so do you think you can take her? Please?"

Paul didn't have to answer me to know his answer, his smirk gave it away, so before taking Sophia from Hunter he gave me a quick kiss.

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