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"You scared the crap out of everyone Tyson!"

Papaya and I were yelling at Tyson as he walked through the door. We had to call James and Westley telling them he came back to the hospital. They sounded so relived on the phone. Papaya punched Tyson for making Westley and James upset. Mostly Westley though.

Tyson took a seat on the chair in the room and gave me the taco bell. Papaya crossed her arms and I gave her a look. She sighed and left the room.

"May I ask why you disappeared off the face of the earth?" I said eating my first taco.

"I didn't mean to leave so suddenly and I really didn't expect you to wake up. I was shocked and I couldn't seem to get out that phase. I thought let me just leave and get you stuff. If I said anything else I would have messed up and made things worse. So I thought about what I would say." He explained.

"Well I thought you left for good, don't do that again!" I say slapping him.

"What's up with the violence today?" He said jokingly.

"You disappeared so I am allowed." I state.

"Stop stalling and confess your feelings!" I hear Papaya say quietly.

"Papaya! Leave and maybe we will. Stop stalking us!" I say shaking my head.

"What? It's my job to stalk you guys, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't?" She says.


"Fine, I'll get myself something to eat because someone forgot about Papaya in the ordering of Taco Bell." She says leaving from behind the door.



"Um. How do we start?"

"By saying you like each other!" I hear from behind the door.

"Papaya leave!" I shout.

"I'm going, I'm going!" She says.

Tyson and I give each other a look. He gets up and opens the door with Papaya stumbling in the room. I glare at her and she puts her hands up. Tyson makes sure she goes down the elevator before coming back into the room.

"So I like you." I say.

"And I like you too." He says.

I squirm in my hospital bed because I'm really not used to situations like this. Tyson just awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. I rub my arm and move my legs so they are hanging off the bed.

"So do we like kiss now or no?" He asks.

"NO. I mean eventually." I say quickly.

"What you don't want to kiss me?" He asks.

"I do it's just, I don't want my first kiss to be in a hospital bed." I say quietly.

"Wait the famous Calista Winters has never been kissed before? That is hard to believe." He says.

"Yeah yeah I have such an amazing personality that all the guys drop to my feet." I say crossing my arms.

"No need to defend yourself Cal, I understand if you don't want to kiss in a hospital. Although I might have done worse things here in the-

"STOP! Stop right there Green, I don't want to hear about your nasty encounters in this hospital. Ew." I say.

He laughs and I just shiver.

"Well now that we have confessed our feelings, as Papaya would say, I am taking you on a proper date as soon as you get out the hospital." He says.

"Dang, then I need to get out the hospital faster." I say.

"When are you allowed to leave?" He asks.

"The doctor told my mom that they need to keep me here for one more week. They need to make sure I don't have a condition or something." I explain.

"Well in one week our first date will happen." He says.

"FINALLY. I thought I would have to stand outside for eons. Well now that we have that covered Tyson you can go now so Cali and I can talk." Papaya says bursting threw the door and dragging Tyson out the room.

"Wait...Papaya...Calista...bye!" I hear him say before Papaya slams the door.

"Papaya Pineapple King." I say sternly.

"We said we would never say my middle name again." She says.

"Well you needed to hear it. Now I thought you went to get some Taco Bell?" I say crossing my arms.

"Oh please when I went down the elevator I came right back up. I heard the whole thing, it took all the power in me not to interject." She says sitting down in the chair.

"Well now you know that we have feelings for each other." I say.

She squeals.

"Aren't you excited! You have your first date in a weeks time. Like this is the first boy you have ever been interested in Cali. Oh I have to do your makeup, find you an outfit, do your hair, so much has to be done! Calista, you have finally grown up!" Papaya says sighing happily.

"Yes I am, but mostly nervous." I say messing with the edge of my pillow.

"You know if Tyson does anything stupid that I will rip him a new one. There is nothing to be nervous about Calista." She says patting my knee.

"Thanks for the reassurance." I say laughing lightly.

"No problemo amiga!" Papaya says.

"Problemo isn't spanish." I state.

"You know what I meant." She says.

We laugh and Papaya turns on the tv. I continue to eat my Taco Bell and share one of them with Papaya. We watch some random music videos on the tv and sing along to them. Obviously Papaya sounds like a goddess while I sound like an injured chicken. But it was fun and I felt like I haven't had that in awhile.

We started to get tired and we turned off the tv. Papaya made herself comfortable on the chair and I laid down onto my hospital bed. I automatically hear the soft snores of Papaya and I just stare at ceiling for a little bit. I think about everything that happened since I got into this hospital.

Most of them were good things and I am grateful for that. I really hope Tyson and I work out. Since that day is coming up I know I'm going to be a mess. I hope Tyson doesn't try to get it out of me then.

But all of that aside I can finally go to sleep content.

Goodnight world, tomorrow is a new day.


Hey! Short chapter but school has been hectic. I'll try to update more often, see ya soon!


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