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"Can I just crawl into a hole and die?"

I have repeated this phrase over a million times in my head and out loud. Ever since I beat up Tyson, he has been bothering me. I honestly wouldn't hesitate to beat him up again but I don't feel like damaging my hands again. Papaya has been trying to get me to have a civil conversation with him but that is impossible with him. He is just an idiot that enjoys seeing other people miserable.

His girlfriend won't leave me alone either. She keeps telling me to stay away from him. How can I stay away from him if he won't stop bothering me! She also was really mad that I beat him up. I just laughed in her face and walked away. I feel like she is plotting something against me as we speak but I don't care. She can't do anything to me that can scar me more than that day.

Speaking of that day, I shudder. The date was coming up and I am definitely not coming to school that day. I shake of the thought as I walk into the mall with Papaya, Westley, and Jackson.

Technically it was only suppose to be Papaya and Jackson but she dragged me along. Then Westley came out of nowhere and tagged alone. Honestly I am thankful he came because I would be the third wheel. Eventhough right now I feel like a fourth wheel.

"Hey Cali isn't this necklace really pretty?" She says holding it up.

"Yeah sure." I say.

"Too bad it's expensive." She says looking at the price and shuddering.

She goes to look at more jewelry and then I hear arguing when she is out of earshot.

"I picked it up first I am buying it for her!" Westley says snatching it from Jackson.

"Well I actually have the money for it so, I am buying it." Jackson says taking it back.

"Who said I didn't have the money? You don't know nothing about me." Westley says pulling on it.

"I know that you want my Papaya, she isn't going to fall for your games. Now I am buying her this necklace." Jackson says pulling it back.

"Your Papaya! She isn't an item, you can't just own her." Westley says.

I decided to intervene before they started fighting and break the necklace.

"Guys the more you pull on the necklace the faster you will break it." I say.

"Fine." Westley says letting go.

Jackson falls to the floor still holding the necklace. It takes him a minute to get back up and he cheers. He rushes to the register to buy the necklace.

Westley sighs and clenches his hands.

"If it makes you feel better I'm all for team Payley." I say patting him on the back.

"Payley?" He asks.

"It's yours and Papaya's ship name." I say.

He looks at me weirdly before we both hear what Papaya wants but puts back.

"That's my cue." He says rushing over to the dress Papaya picked up.

I shake my head and walk around the store I little more. I don't see anything I really want so I tell Papaya I'm going somewhere different. She nods and I head over to Windsor.

I just love that store so much, it's scary. I don't pay attention to where I am walking so I bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry." I say looking up.

"Yeah you should be, you got your ugliness all over me." Betty says.

"Aren't you just a ray of sunshine." I say.

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