
2 weeks in France sounds like the perfect vacation. And it was, until you felt watched the whole time. About a week into your stay you got tired of the feeling and called your friend France to tell him. The two of you only talked over the phone and texted but you knew he lived in France. "Bonjour Chérie." Sighing in relief you told him about your problem. He stifled a few laughs every now and then causing you to get suspicious. "I have to go, I'll call you later." You told him and heard him say his farewell. Hanging up you returned to your hotel room and closed the blinds and sat on your bed deciding to read. You weren't focused on the book and more of how you met Francis through Prussia and Spain. Smiling you closed your book and just say on your bed until you got the feeling again. Your smile turned into a smirk as you picked up your phone and called Francis again, clearing your suspicion when you heard his phone go off. Opening your door you saw him standing there with a guilty look on his face. "You know France, if you just wanted to hang out you could have just asked instead of stalking me." He gave his famous laugh and winked at you. "But chérie, where would ze fun be in zat?"


A beautiful abundance of flowers adorned the walls of the flower shop as you unlocked the door. Looking around at the flowers you quickly attended to them and put your apron on before going to the back of the store. Seeing a new load of sunflowers you smiled widely and decided to put them up in the front window of the store. Once it was opening time you flipped the sign that allowed customers to enter and buy. Smiling as a 12 year old boy bought a lily to give to his crush he ran out the door only to bump into a man. He had short beige colored hair and violet eyes. The boy muttered an apology before running out the door. The man looked at you and walked towards the desk. "I would like those sunflowers da?" You smiled and went to the front window to grab them. "All of them?" He nodded and you smiled. "We just got these in this morning so their perfectly fresh." Carefully putting them into a bag with water you handed the bag to him. "My name is Ivan Braginsky, but please, call me Russia. What is your name da?" Ringing up his price he fished into his wallet to pull out the amount. "I'm {Y-N}, so you like sunflowers or are they for someone?" You asked and he shook his head. "Where I'm from there aren't a lot. They're my favorite da." Looking at his outfit you nodded, and lowered the price to half. He looked at you surprised and only took half the money. "Half price, if they're your favorite then you should be able to enjoy them." You smiled and he returned it. "Spasibo." (Thank you)


Walking through the park with a sketchbook and charcoal package in your arms you tried to find the perfect spot to start drawing. Of course you were paying too much attention to the scenery to notice someone running towards you. He crashed into you while you let out a small 'oof'. "Ve~ Oh-a! Mi displace (I'm sorry) Belle!" A man with auburn hair said as he helped you to your feet. Smiling you picked up your art supplies and nodded your appreciation. "It's quite alright!" "Italy!" A deep, German accented voice called out which made the two of you both turn around to see a tall, well built man with blue eyes and sleek, blonde hair. "Italy, vhy have jou stopped jour running?" He asked and the man also known as Italy grabbed your hand. "Germany! I-a was-a running when I-a ran into this-a Belle ragazza!" The man gave a hmph and looked towards you but with a blush. "I-I apologize about I-Italy." Shaking your head smiling you looked towards Italy. "It's alright, it was an accident. My names {Y-N} by the way." The blonde male nodded and awkwardly shook your hand. "I am L-Ludvig Beilschmidt, but j-jou can call me Germany. And this is-" Italy interrupted him and kissed your hand. "Ve~ And I am-a Feliciano Vargas, but-a call me Italy!" Letting out a small laugh at his enthusiasm you turned back to Germany. "Nice to meet you two."

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