Chapter Thirty-Six

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* PLEASE READ * I don't normally do author's notes at the beginning, but I feel that this is necessary. I just wanted to comment really quick on the first half of this chapter... The word "seduced" will be tossed around and there will be a few intimate moments, but NOTHING racy. "Seduced" can mean multiple things, but in this story it's innocent and playful. There have been and will be references to sexual things but there will never be ANYTHING in detail about it. There is NO sexual content or smut in this story, and I intend to keep it PG-13 in that way. I apologize for the early note, please continue(:

Alli's POV

"I can't believe you guys are leaving tomorrow." I sighed as I leaned my head back against Zayn's shoulder, staring out at the ocean in front of us. We were sitting down in our private spot on the beach, enjoying some alone time. We were both in bathing suits except I had a tank top and shorts on, while Zayn was shirtless.

"I know, I don't want to leave either but we have to." He said as he gently started stroking my hair. "But for right now I'd rather enjoy sitting here with my amazing girlfriend."

"Who also happens to double as your servant." I pointed out.

"Yes, that too." After that we both sat quietly for a few minutes, not saying anything but each content with the silence. My mind, however, was overcrowded with thoughts and I sighed heavily. Zayn looked down at me curiously, one eyebrow raised. "What's wrong?"

I turned to face him. "I just don't want this to end. I feel like this is all a dream and I'm going to wake up at any moment."

"Really?" He asked, his eyes sparkling mischievously. Picking up a handful of sand he suddenly—and quite unexpectedly—dumped it down the front of my shirt. "Does it still feel like a dream now?"

"Zayn!" I quickly beat at my shirt, trying to get all of the sand out but only making it worse as the tiny particles got stuck in my bikini top. "That's not fair, I can't do that to you!"

He made an innocent face, placing a hand against his bare chest. "Me? Being unfair? I think you've got the wrong guy, Alli." His innocent look quickly turned into surprise as I poured sand on his head, and it trickled through his hair and down past his ears.

"Oops." I gave him a sweet smile, and that's how our sand war started. We ran around the beach laughing and yelling, throwing sand at each other while being careful not to get it in our eyes. After a few minutes of the war we called a truce and returned to our towel, shaking the sand out of our clothes before sitting back down. We sat in silence for a long time after that, just staring at the water.

I leaned back so my head was resting against his shoulder, a position I've realized is the most comfortable when we're sitting next to each other. I glanced up at him, studying his face. He was looking out at the ocean, eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he scanned the horizon. His eyebrows were quirked up in the expression that he always wears when he's watching something, and his jaw was set tight. I moved my gaze down to his lips, which were pulled back in a straight line. I just wanted to reach up and touch them...preferably with my own lips.

He suddenly looked down, catching my stare, and those amazing lips turned up in a smile. I smiled back, liking the flutter I got in my stomach when he smiled at me. It's amazing how even after everything that's happened I still get those butterflies whenever I see him. He shifted slightly and put his arms around my middle, resting his chin against my shoulder.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me, his warm breath tickling my ear.

I could've said something completely romantic to compliment the moment, but, well, that would've been boring. Not to mention the idiot had poured sand down my shirt earlier when I was being sentimental. I smirked up at Zayn, keeping my tone nonchalant. "Oh, you know, wondering what you'd look like with mascara on."

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