Chapter Thirty-Five

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Zayn's POV

After eating breakfast and cleaning up, Alli, Jamie, Niall, and I just lounged around the house, talking with each other. Niall and Jamie soon picked up on the vibe between Alli and me and guessed almost immediately that something was going on between us, and in the end we had to confess.

Jamie was beside herself with excitement. "Have you asked her out yet, Zayn?"

I shushed her and said in a very loud stage whisper, "I'm working on it, Jame!" Then I turned to look back at Alli warily, pretending I didn't want her to hear what I'd just said.

She just looked at me with a blank look on her face. "Sorry, did you say something?"

I shook my head. "Nope."

Jamie hit me from her position on the floor, where she and Niall were sitting. "Zayn!"

"Hey, don't hit the popstar!" I rubbed my leg ruefully and made a hurt face over at Alli, who was sitting on the couch next to me.

"She's not hitting a popstar, she's hitting a stubborn arse-face." Niall chuckled.

"Hey, I'm not stubborn, and neither am I an arse-face."

"You are too an arse-face, and a—"

"Stop it, stop it you two! Arguing isn't helping!" Jamie had to shout over us to be heard.

Niall looked at her blankly. "Helping?"

"Yes, helping." She said, turning to face her boyfriend. "It's not helping Zayn."

"Helping me?" I looked down at Jamie questioningly. "Helping me do what?" She just glared at me, pointing at Alli. I looked over at the blonde but she seemed just as confused.

"Jamie—" Niall began but she whapped him in the stomach, silencing him. Man, for a sweet girl she sure throws a lot of punches. She pointed to Alli again, and I finally got it.

I sighed. "Jamie..."

"Zayn, if you don't do it right now I'm going to stab you with a pair of scissors, see if I don't!"

I pulled a terrified face, looking over at Niall. "Your girlfriend is crazy scary, mate." He just nodded in agreement, not wanting to say anything for fear of getting hit again. Then I turned to face Alli, who was staring at me, seeming unsure. Reaching out I put my hand on top of hers and moved to sit a little bit closer to her.

"Alli..." I turned my head downward but looked up at her through my lashes, trying to look seductive. I paused for a moment, letting her name linger in the air for dramatic effect before continuing. "Will you get me a glass of water?"

Luckily Niall grabbed Jamie's fist before it made contact with my leg again, and he was chuckling. Alli seemed disappointed for a moment, but she shrugged and said "Sure" before getting up and making her way to the kitchen.

"Oh, and Alli?" She turned back around. I was still looking at her from under my lashes.

"Will you get me some crisps, too?" I put on my best puppy-dog face, and she grinned and rolled her eyes. I knew that she knew what I was up to by now, and I swear if it was possible Jamie would be foaming at the mouth right now.

Once Alli came back and set my stuff on the coffee table she sat down next to me, and I moved over so I was sitting closer to her. Pretending I was stretching, I suddenly leaned on her, using her as a pillow. "Alli?"

"Yes, Zayn? Is there anything else the King needs from me?"

I pretended to be thoughtful. "Well, I have water and I have crisps, I have seven of the greatest friends I could ever ask for, and a personal servant. I guess there's only one more thing I need to make my life complete."

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