Chapter Nineteen

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Alli's POV

The moment I opened my eyes I slammed them shut again. Is it Friday already? Is the concert really tonight? Doesn't matter, I'm staying in bed.

My body had other plans, however, and a loud growl issued from my abdomen. I sat up and sharply patted my stomach. "Shut up, tummy, I know you're hungry but I don't want to get up yet!"

"Are you talking to your stomach again?" Jamie asked as she stuck her head around my open door and peered in, giving me a weird look.

"No, it spoke to me first and I was just replying to it." I flopped back down onto my comfy pillows, grumbling. "I'm not crazy."

Jamie raised an eyebrow at me. "If you say so... We're going out for breakfast soon, though, so you should get up."

"Going out? What about the hotel's breakfast?"

She made a face at this. "Alli, it's past ten o'clock. We tried getting you up earlier, even shook you a bit, but you didn't budge."

"What? So that's why the dragon I was riding crashed..." Once again Jamie made a face at me and I quickly stopped reminiscing about my strange dream. "Erm, I mean, yeah. I'll be out in a bit." Shaking her head, Jamie left and shut the door behind her. Getting up I stretched out, sighing in relief at the pressure release in my muscles and running a hand through my hair. I threw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie, already knowing that it was raining outside and not feeling in the mood to even attempt at looking nice.

"So where are we going?" I yawned as I shuffled out of my room, plopping down on the couch and propping my feet up on the coffee table to tie my shoes.

"Good morning to you too, and probably just Starbucks." Pan was looking at her reflection in my phone, checking herself out.

"Well good thing I didn't dress fancy then." I watched as she stared at her reflection in the phone screen before sighing. "Don't we have a bathroom with a wall-length mirror for that, Pan?"

She rolled her eyes. "No. And besides, I wanted to check Twitter." She unlocked my phone and went to the app to sign herself in. I don't have my own Twitter page but she and Jamie do, and they always like to keep me updated on whatever interesting is happening in the world so there's no need for me to get my own account. Not to mention Pan doesn't even have a smart phone so she doesn't have any way to check her account without needing her laptop, so I keep the app on my phone for her.

Once we were all ready we headed off down the street to one of the million Starbucks in the city. It made sense, though, seeing as Seattle is the birthplace of the entire chain. We got our food and sat at a table in the back, making light conversation as we ate. I sipped my hot chocolate slowly and snacked on my coffee cake, waiting for my drink to cool down. Pan had gotten a chai tea latte while Jamie had opted for a regular coffee, and they shared a couple of scones.

"So, who's excited for the concert tonight?" Jamie asked us as she bounced up and down in her seat, almost spilling her coffee in her excitement.

I pretended to be just as excited as she was. "Oh my god, I so am!" Then I scoffed. "Excited for the music, maybe, but I think I'll have my eyes closed the entire time."

My two friends just sighed and looked down at their food, not saying anything and refusing to meet my gaze. An uncomfortable silence ensued, and though they didn't say anything their silence chastised me. "Sorry." I apologized sheepishly, realizing that my little joke had been a little too much. I can be a real smartass sometimes, and I know that it gets annoying. "I'm excited to go, especially since you two will be there." I said sincerely, truly meaning it.

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