Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Zayn's POV

"Shouldn't we stop them?"

"They've had, like, five beers. They're fine."

"That's kind of a lot, Louis."

"Nah, they can take a couple more."

"What if they get alcohol poisoning?"

"Niall's Irish. If he can't handle his liquor then no one can."

"But what about Harry?"

"What about Harry?"

"He's younger than you guys..."

"Stop worrying, Pan, they've both had way more to drink than this before."

Jamie, Liam, and I listened to Pan and Louis' banter with mild interest as they went back and forth. They were arguing over whether or not they should do something about Niall and Harry's drinking contest, yet neither one could seem to make a decision. After a few minutes of their incessant bickering Jamie finally got fed up with the lack of action, and getting up from her chair she took the pack of beer that was sitting between the two drunken boys.

"You two are done." She told them as she put the alcohol away in the fridge. "You've had too much."

"But Jamiieee." Niall whined, looking up at his girlfriend with wide eyes.

"I'm fine, I'm not even buzzin' yet!" Harry declared, attempting to stand up but immediately falling to the ground. He lay on his back, blinking slowly for a few seconds before giving a sudden yell.

"Delayed reaction much." Pan laughed.

"Yeah, he's pretty drunk." I shook my head, then looked over at Louis. "This is what happens when you buy them alcohol, Lou."

"How would I know they'd have a drinking contest?" He asked indignantly.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "It's Niall and Harry, when do they ever drink responsibly?"

"Eh. That's true."

It was the day after we'd arrived, late in the evening. The lads and I were all visiting the girls while Alli was gone, just hanging out and having a good time. Niall had begged Louis to go out and buy some beer, and after Harry had joined in asking Louis had eventually relented. Everyone except for Jamie had had one or two, and while Niall and Harry were left drinking at the table the rest of us started playing board games. After a while Pan noticed how much they were actually drinking, which led to her and Louis' debate, which led to where we were now.

"How about you, Niall? Can you stand up?" I turned to face the Irish lad.

"Erm..." He furrowed his eyebrows, like he was thinking really hard about his answer. "I choose C."

I sighed. "Jamie, you try."

She sat down next to him. "Alright Niall, how many fingers am I holding up?" She held up three, and Niall had to squint his eyes to focus on them.


"Um, okay... Who am I?"

He grinned at her goofily. "You're my honey-badger sex tape."

"What?!" Everyone except Harry asked in unison.

"What?" Harry looked around at us from his spot on the floor, confused as to what was going on.

"'Honey-badger sex tape?' Is that some sort of weird, kinky nickname, Jamie?" Pan made a disgusted face at her.

"No! I swear to god, no!" Jamie denied, blushing a deep red. "I have no idea what he's talking about!"

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