Chapter Twenty-Six

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Alli's POV

"Guys, you really didn't have to do this!" I told the boys once we sat down at our table, completely taken aback by all of the work they had gone through just for my birthday. They'd taken us to a nice restaurant downtown for lunch and had even reserved a private table for the afternoon, and I could tell by the way they shuffled awkwardly to their seats that they were all hiding gifts.

Immediately after I said that I was barraged with rebuttals from all four of them.


"We wanted to!"

"You only turn twenty-one once!"

"Think nothing of it!"

Internally I shrugged, knowing that I can't really argue with them. Before I could thank them our waiter came over and introduced himself, then asked what we wanted to drink.

Everyone looked to me, and I was about to order when Louis quickly interrupted me. "For the birthday girl, do you have a beer menu?"

"No no no, I don't drink." I hastily told the waiter, shooting Louis a glare. "Just water will be fine, thank you."

"Come on, Alli, you just turned twenty-one. Enjoy yourself!" Niall nudged me after the waiter had gotten the other drink orders and walked away. "You're lucky you can drink legally here, I still have to wait a few months."

I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "I don't really have much of a liking for alcohol, especially beer." I shot Louis a pointed look. "It just tastes gross to me."

They all shook their heads at me. "You don't always drink alcohol for the taste, Alli," Harry told me. "You drink it because it makes you relax, let loose."

"Yeah, and then puke your guts out and wake up the next morning with a massive migraine." I snorted. "No thanks, I'll pass."

All of the boys shared skeptical glances, like they knew something that I didn't, but let the subject drop. We spent the next hour talking, eating, and playing games to pass the time and before we knew it we were finished and the waiter came by to clean up the dishes.

"Does the birthday girl want any dessert?" Niall asked me, holding the dessert menu and looking at me eagerly.

"I don't know, I'm kind of full." I sat back with a sigh. "You guys can, though."

"Please, Alli?" Louis made puppy-dog eyes at me, trying to sucker me into getting something. "We can split it if you want."

"No Lou, I'm fine, but thanks."

"Please? You wouldn't make me eat an entire chocolate molten lava cake all by myself, would you?" I opened my mouth to argue but closed it and bit my lip in indecision. I really wanted to say no but damn is he unfair, using my weakness for chocolate against me.

Finally I gave in to the temptation, crossing my arms and glaring over at Louis. "Ugh, fine! I hope you're happy, knowing you're making me fat."

"Yeah, right." Harry snickered. "If you're fat then I'm bald."

"Which would be a real shame, if that were to ever happen." Liam ran his hand over his head, pretending he was running his fingers through long hair. His hair is still pretty short from when he buzzed it a few months ago.

"Yeah," Harry said, "but you're not famous for your perfect curls, now, are you?" He tossed his hair to enunciate his words, fluttering his eyelashes over at me. Niall choked on his drink and Liam had to pound on his back, while the girls, Louis, and I just rolled our eyes.

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