Chapter Six

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Zayn's POV

"She said yes!" Niall yelled as he jumped and landed in a large puddle, drenching himself up to his knees. "She said yes, she said yes, she said yes!" He ran around kicking at the water, chanting the three words over and over excitedly.

"Who's she and what did she say yes to?" Louis laughed as he grabbed Niall, stopping him from jumping into another large puddle and showering us all with water.

"Jamie, that's who." He grinned. "I asked her if she wanted to hang out tomorrow, and she said yes!" He jumped into the puddle anyway, splashing Louis and me with dirty street water. "Oops... Heheh, sorry."

"Niall!" Instantly my hand flew to my mouth, hoping that no one had heard me shout his real name. Luckily no one was around, but even so I whisper-shouted it again. "Niall!"

"Hey, I said I was sorry. But I can't wait for tomorrow!" He continued on splashing around and grinning broadly to himself. It was dark outside and raining, so even without his puddle-busting we were still getting soaked. I ran a hand through my hair, feeling the slimy gel I had put in it starting to wash out.

"Well what about us?" Louis asked Niall, sticking his lower lip out in a pout. "Do we get to see the girls tomorrow?"

Niall stopped jumping for a second to think. "Maybe, I don't see why not." He shrugged. "We'll find out at noon tomorrow. We should probably head back to the car now, though."

"Good idea." I said and we all hurried off up the street to where Paul was sitting in the car, waiting to pick us up. Earlier Louis had let him know that we were going to walk the girls back to their hotel, so he had parked a little ways up the street from the entrance to wait for us.

I still couldn't believe that the girls had allowed us to walk them back, even letting us take them up to the door of their room. Alli and Pan had decided that they didn't need their umbrellas and walked in the rain, not at all bothered by the fact that they were getting drenched. It was nice seeing Alli happy; she'd been pleasant during dinner, but when she was walking back to the hotel I could tell that she didn't have any defenses up as she skipped around and laughed with Pan. Niall had been in the back with Jamie, holding her umbrella for her while Louis and I made faces at him the entire time.

The guys and I had stopped at the doorway of their room, not having been invited inside. Pan and Jamie waved goodbye as they entered their room and disappeared around the corner. Alli was the last inside, and she turned to say something when Louis interrupted her.

"Come on Zach, we better get going."

"Oh, well," I looked at Alli and then after Niall and Louis, who were already walking down the hall. "I'll be there in a second." I called and then turned back to the blonde standing in front of me. She was smiling, and I noticed that for the first time since I'd met her the emotion actually reached her eyes.

"I had a great time tonight. It was nice meeting you." She had said.

"So did I. You are a very interesting person." I smiled back down at her, because I was at least a head taller than her.

She'd blushed, looking down. "No, not really."

"Well, I think so."

She glanced back up at me, looking into my eyes. "Thanks."

For a moment we didn't say anything, just stared, studying the other's face. Her eyes were like pools of green light, as green as a forest after it rains. Kind of like moss, but bright, as if there was some sort of inner light shining behind them. I found myself mesmerized by their beauty, and if I hadn't been interrupted then I probably would have never turned away.

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