[65]: Young, Wild & Drunk

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"Okay sure." Ayla says, "You okay? You're acting a little weird."

"I'm fine."

I ran up my stairs and into my bed room to fix my make-up and hair. Everything was in my handbag ready so I just needed to slip on my heels. I'd changed out of them earlier; I wanted to last as long as I could tonight in them so I was currently wearing my fluffy slipper boots. It's a shame I couldn't wear these out, they were so comfy.

"Girls I'm coming down now." I shouted as I heard my door open.

"It's me."

I spin around to see Ash standing in my room.

"We need to talk and I'm not taking no for an answer Lou."

"Well you're going to; I'm not spending the rest of my evening stuck up here in my room with you. I want to go out and actually enjoy my birthday celebrations."

"I want you to enjoy tonight as well, Lou you're my best friend, you're my girlfriend and I love you, you know that. But we need to talk about what's going on between us right now."

"Nothing is going on between us Ash...you took care of that with Nina downstairs."

"Lou don't say that, I didn't do anything,"

"I saw you kissing her Ash."

"She kissed me, there's a difference. I was trying to get past her to come and see you. I'm sorry it took me so long to actually come upstairs but you know I love you and will support you in any way I can."

"You know what I've just realised." I say to him ignoring his last statement.


"We've been dating for what? A month now?" I ask and he nods and shrugs at the same time.

"What about it?"

"That's usually your cut-off date right? Can't be seen dating someone longer than a month. Although for some unknown reason you lasted longer with Tina...but I should have known I wouldn't get longer than my time allowance with you."

"You're being ridiculous. I didn't last with any of them because they weren't the right girl for me, but that's you. I've never told anyone I've loved them before, you're the first girl I've said those words to and I meant them Lou."

"You love me do you?'

"You know I do." He replied walking closer to me

"Well you've got one hell of a way of showing it." I reply bluntly standing up and heading to the door.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he replied grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him.

Releasing my arm from his grip I stood there and looked at him, for the first time I wasn't feeling all mushed up and giddy in front of him. I was crushed by him, he'd completely devastated me. I couldn't explain what I was feeling but I just felt numb.

"Ash I'm late and possibly pregnant with your child; you see the pregnancy test in my bag...yet when I went upstairs you didn't follow me. Knowing I'm just as scared about this and the possible result as you are but you don't bother to come find out what it was. The whole time I've been here you never came to find me, to see how I was, to find out the result..."

"So you've taken it."

"Yea I did whilst you were too busy trying to get your leg over. What you trying to do...get someone else knocked up as well?'

"You're pregnant?" he gasped stepping away from me

"Like you care what the result is...you've proved that tonight. You said you'd be there for me if this happened Ash, you said we go through this together but you just left me alone." I choke out. "Just run along Ash and find Nina. She's obviously who you want tonight. I just thought you out of everyone would be here for me if anything like this happened, and especially because it happened with you. But you've let me down. Just leave me alone." I reply walking out of my bedroom before he could stop me and heading straight into the taxi waiting outside.

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