"Hey Sarah" Dean said as he walked out of the kitchen to do some house chores. He found out early that calling her 'kid' or 'girl' only resulted in receiving a deathly glare.

"Hi Dean" Sarah said with a smile.

"How was your day?" Leanne asked.

"It was fine"

"All right then, come on and help me prepare super" she demanded nicely.

Sarah slipped her sleeves up to her elbow and started cutting the vegetables since that was pretty much the only thing she was good at . Once, Carly had tried to teach her to bake cookies and they ended up hard as rock. Then, she tried to do a salad but it was so salty it was uneatable. Sarah had to teach Sunny to how to use the tools so that the younger girl could feed them both without food poisoning. Luckily, Sunny loved to cook.

"Mrs. Murray?" Sarah asked shyly. She concentrated on cutting the carrots to try to ease her nerves.


"I did something. Something I shouldn't have done"

Leanne froze at that statement. She carefully put the utensils down and gave her full attention to the girl.


"I won't justify what I did and I apologise for not telling you immediately. I'm not really sure why I didn't tell you"

That last part was a lie. Sarah knew exactly why she didn't tell them. She wanted to prolong the time before her punishment. She didn't like to admit it, but the Murray's were the best family she's had and discovered a way of life she didn't know was available to her.

"What did you do?" Leanne asked quietly. She hoped it was not something unfixable. She had vouched for this girl and feared that she had thought wrong.

"It's been eating at me, you know?" Sarah continued "You guys are nice people and I know it is not in my right to ask for a favor, but could you make sure that Sunny doesn't do anything irrational or run away?"

"What's going on Sarah?" Leanne asked scared.

"Could you promise me that you'll keep an eye on Sunny?"

"I promise, but only if you tell me what you did"

Sarah was about to answer when she heard a car driving up the driveway. She was not a car expert but she knew a police car when she heard one. It saved her life a couple of times in the past.

She knew that Ken would never have shut his mouth about the incident. She was only hopping that his father didn't come back until later to give her enough time to fix the problem. Sarah ignored Leanne's demand and took her phone out of her pocket. She dialed a number she had memorised and waited.

"Honey, why are their cops in the driveway?" Dean asked from the hallway.

"Rob" Sarah said with relief. "I'm in trouble. I'm at the Murray's. Ok, just a sec"

Both Sarah and Leanne made their way to the front door. They put their coats and boots on and walked into the cold air. Two officers walked towards them. One was older, in his mid-forties. The other was relatively young and seemed to have an attitude. He was obviously a rookie.

"Can I help you officers?" Dean asked from the porch. The two officers looked at him then at Sarah.

"Are you Sarah Green?" the older one said.


"Your under arrest for obstruction of the law and destroying private property" the officer said. Both Dean and Leanne were shocked. They looked at Sarah who was not surprised.

Family Ties (girlxgirl)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz