"She'll come around. I ship you guys together."

Scott rose a curious eyebrow, a quizzed expression decorating his features, "Ship?"

"Like the boat?" Stiles questioned.

"No. Ship like, I don't know. Basically, I want you two together." I shrugged, not really knowing a way to explain it in which the two boys would understand, "It's the new thing, get with it."

"Yeah, okay." Stiles chuckled.

"Oh c'mon, tell me that you've never heard of shipping someone?"

"I've never heard of shipping someone." The two boys stated in sync, turning to one another with a surprised expression. Stiles releasing a hardy laugh.

I rolled my eyes and turned on my heel, making my way to my locker before class began.

"Keep up with the slang boys." I yelled out, waving my hand in the air for a somewhat pathetic goodbye. In which they obviously accepted.

I eventually made it to my locker, hauling out the numerous books required for my next class. I didn't really understand the need for two textbooks and two folders just for Chemistry. We were having a test today anyways, so why did he make us carry around our weight in textbooks?

"Are you mad at me?" A voice spoke from beside my locker, causing me too jump a bit too dramatically.

I turned my head to meet Allison, whom I wasn't really on the best terms with at the moment. Due to our mini fallout the other night at the school. Also she had broken up with my best friend, after he had saved her life. Which didn't really settle well with me.

But that didn't mean I wanted our friendship to end. Allison was an incredibly sweet girl who withheld such a nice, genuine personality. I wanted to keep her with me as many years as I possibly could.

But, on the other hand, there was the kiss. The kiss that was an absolute mistake and meant nothing. If I told her, I don't believe she would take it well. Even if Scott was under the influence of the full moon and I had slapped him roughly in the cheek right afterwards. She wouldn't understand. Especially about the full moon and supernatural subject.

So basically, what I'm attempting to get at here is that I'm not going to tell her. I think it's best for not only her and I, but Scott as well. She didn't need to know, mainly because it was all one huge mishap. I know Scott wanted me to keep my mouth shut. And here I am, totally overthinking this subject. In conclusion, the kiss thankfully meant nothing and my friendships are all still in tact.

"No." I smiled lightly, "I'm not mad."

"So we're still friends?" She chuckled, Lydia approaching the both of us from afar.

"We're still friends." I established, laughing lightly as the strawberry blonde swung a bright pink lipstick in front both of our faces.

"He's allergic!" She hollered, the students in the hallway not really bothered by the loud action. For they go through Lydia's drama each and every day. "And it was 65 dollars!"

I chuckled lightly, reading the name Ethereal Orchid plastered across the front of her lipstick tube, "Who, Jackson?"

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