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Three weeks. It's been three weeks since Harry last talked to me. I try to talk to him at school but I can't even look at him without wanting to cry. I miss him so much.

Me: I need your help.

Niall: With what ?

Niall: If its with Harry, sorry mate I can't do anything

Me: Why not ?

Niall: Because even though he doesn't know it's you I'm pretty sure he will hate you even more if he finds out

Me: But cant you convince him that I'm not as bad

Me: Don't you like me ?

Niall: Well yes.

Niall: Me and my boyfriend both like you

Niall: I actually have a question

Niall: Can we have a threesome?

Me: No. Now back to Harry, I want to tell him that it's me but I'm not ready to come out to the school yet.

Niall: Well can you just have sex with my boyfriend then ?

Niall: And I think you should just tell him.

Niall: But just him. You don't have to come out yet if you don't want to.

Niall: He at least gets to know that

Niall: And I obviously won't say anything just because I want to have a threesome with you

Me: First off I will never have sex with you and second that would be a good idea but he hates me.

Niall: Well explain to him how your not a bad guy. Tell him that it's just your friends.

Niall: Ask him if he's seen you actively bully him with the others.

Niall: And if he says no then ask him out on a date to prove that you are a good person.

Me: Thats a great idea Niall, thank you!!

Niall: Yay! So do I get a kiss now ?

Me: Bye Niall.

Text >> Larry a.u ✔️Where stories live. Discover now