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*Fixed the mistake people were pointing out, I think my mind was somewhere else when I wrote that part 😂 x


Drake : What is my contact name now ?

Me: I'm not telling you 😜

Drake: Why you gotta be so rude

**Me: Did you just take lyrics from Magic!

Drake: Maybe I just did

Me: No!

Me: That defeats the purpose of your contact name

Drake: Well if you told me my contact name, I could get lyrics for them

Me: Hmm no

Me: Not happening

Drake: Come on baby

Drake: Just tell me!

Me: Just stay in Marvin's room

Drake: Wut ?

Drake: Is my contact name Drake ?!?

Drake: Why ????

Drake: I am not even in my feelings

Me: Well you kinda are

Me: With me

Drake: Well of course because your my baby, baby.

Me: So about this party

Me: Can I please meet you

Me: Pretty pretty plzz with a cherry on top

Me: I'll give you a kiss

Drake: Babe.

Drake: As much as I really

Drake: R

Drake: E

Drake: A

Drake: L

Drake: L

Drake: Y


Drake: Want to kiss you

Drake: You still can't know who I am

Drake: Not yet

Me: Well could you at least talk to me

Me: A lot of people will be talking to me

Me: Since they will be drunk

Me: So I won't know if it's you

I am going to have to keep a look out. I really want to find out who this person is.

Drake: Baby, what makes you think I won't talk to you.

Drake: Believe me.

Me: I'm holding you to that

Drake: And I'm looking forward to it.

Me: Well we have a few hours to go and I don't know what I'm going to wear

Drake: I prefer that you wear something tight so I could see that fine ass of yours

Me: Omg

Drake: No.

Me: what do you mean by no ?

Drake: Every time you say omg you have a joke.

Me: Just this one plzzzzzz bae

Drake: I will only let you do it this one time because you called me bae

Me: Okay

Me: Have you been sitting in a pile of sugar every night ?

Me: Cause you've got a sweet ass


Drake: I actually chuckled on that one

Drake: Wasn't that bad


Me: Okay well I am going to go get ready

Drake: You have like 5 hours till the party starts

Me: I know but I still need to decide what I am going to wear

Drake: Alright love 😂

Me: Okay, ttyl

Drake: Okay laters baby x

The next chapter the are finally going to meet!! And thank you for all the reads ! ❤️

Text >> Larry a.u ✔️Where stories live. Discover now