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[Just to be clear I don't hate Eleanor, I think she's lovely]

Me: Harreh

Me: Bbbyyyy

Me: So have you decided?!

Me: Are you going ??

H❤️: Sadly yes.


"Hey babe, aren't you even paying attention" Eleanor huffed. I almost forgot that I was at the mall with her.

"Sorry, so what's happening ?" I asked.

"Do you like this handbag or this one?" She said shoving two expensive ugly bags in my face.

"El, why are you trying to buy a bag? I already bought you like 4 yesterday" I say frustrated.

"Those aren't as cute as this one, I mean look at this! It's an original" She's trying to be convincing but I'm not having any of it. I'll only buy my little baby something ugly as those handbags  of he wanted them bug Eleanor's just trying to get on my last nerves.

"El I'm not buying you another one" I start walking out.

"Babe," She starts clinging to my side, face close to my ear. I hope she doesn't do what I think she's going to do. "If you get it for my I will do anything you want me to" and there it is.

"No" I firmly tell her. Hopefully she can take a hint.

"Why are you being such an ass" She huffed, the bags seeming to leave her mind.

"Well why are you being such a gold digging bitch" I hissed. I didn't even realize what came out of my mouth but I don't regret it.

I looked at her and she had tears in her eyes, I think she deserves it. She was just pissing me off by everything she did anyways.

"If thats what you think than we are over!" She yelled, half of the people turned to look at us.

"Fine by me" I shrug my shoulders cause I really don't care. Save me all of my money.

By the time I got to my car I had a lot of messages from Harry.

H❤️: Hey don't be happy!

H❤️: Because I'm not happy about it.

H❤️: Niall is making me.

H❤️: So I'm going to tell you a joke

H❤️: Are you ready to hear it ?

H❤️: Why aren't you answering???

H❤️: Baeeeeee

H❤️: I need you to answer so we could both laugh at the joke

H❤️: Okay well I'm going to say it anyways

H❤️: What is a pirates favorite word ?



H❤️: oMG tHAT WAS SO fUNNY 😂😂😂

H❤️: Where did you go ?

H❤️: You left me with Niall

H❤️: He's getting very annoying

He is too cute.

Me: Sorry babe

Me: I had to take care of things

Me: But that joke was horrible

H❤️: yAYYY

H❤️: You're back !!

Me: Yes, the prince has arrived

H❤️: Don't get ahead of yourself

Me: Fine then

Me: Your daddy has arrived (;

H❤️: I think prince is better

H❤️: Lets stick with that

Me: Hahaha okay babe

H❤️ : So are you going to tell me who you are now ?

Me: Sorry

Me: But nope

Me: It's my graduation present

H❤️ : My graduation present is all of you leaving

H❤️ : I don't know how I feel about you leaving

H❤️ : Whoever you are

H❤️ : But you get my point

Me: Well at least you will want me to stay

H❤️ : Nah, I just want to know who you are

Me: Way to go

Me: I was trying to be romantic and you ruined it

H❤️ : Oops

H❤️ : Well I'm going to take a nap now so goodnight x

Me: We will talk about this later

Me: And goodnight my love x

I didn't have homework today!! So enjoy this update that took my only an hour and a half to finish. Sorry if it's shitty.

And if anyone want to help me write this story, message me !

Text >> Larry a.u ✔️Where stories live. Discover now