Chapter 4: We're So Dead

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Skylar’s P.O.V

By the time everyone was awake I was relieved. I tried going back to sleep but I couldn’t. That kiss... It was perfect. I’m not even a Louis girl! Well technically i am. I was a Niall girl at first but Charlie called dibs and Louis was my second favorite. So yeah. I just can’t believe it. Louis was my first kiss! Wait... Doesn’t Louisi have a girlfriend? Shit. Eleanor.

“Are you alright, Sky?” James said.

I jumped back a bit. He scared the living daylights out of me! I looked around and everyone was staring at me waiting for me to answer. My eyes locked with Louis. His eyes were wide and he shook his head no.

“Don’t tell anyone” He mouthed. I nodded slightly.

“I’m fine” I lied easily with a fake smile.

He narrowed his eyes at me then shrugged. I have to at least tell someone! I can’t tell James or Charlie because they will just yell it out. Maybe I can talk about it with Ryan. Then Louis is gonna be mad... Ah whatever.

“Ah. I have to home now. My parents are flipping out!” Ryan said. We all said bye and he left.

“I guess I should go now. Oh and you ran out of apples” James smirked then ran out of the house. The guys looked at us weirdly.

“He has an obsession with apples” Charlie said.

“Weird. Do you guys wanna come to the studio with us? We have to be there in an hour. So you guys can go home and freshen up if you’d like” Liam asked.

“Sure!” Charlie said over excitedly. I looked at her weirdly. She chuckled nervously. Something is up.



“Okay. What happened” I said as Charlie and I were walking home.

“Nothing” She answered quickly.

“Ever since you woke up you have been so happy and nervous and... no. flacking. way” I said with a huge smile on my face.

“Sky... NO!” Charlie said. I smirked.



“Charlie! I told you to never say my middle name!” I said hitting her arm.

“Sorry!” She said rubbing her arm where I hit her.

“I can’t believe you like Liam! I thought you were a Niall girl!” I said.

“Well yeah I was. But when I slept in Liam’s room we talked for a bit. I guess we really clicked. But he has a girlfriend...” She said pouting.

“Don’t worry. Something will happen. I know it!” I said.

“Yeah right. I’ll come by your house in a bit” she said then ran off. I went up to my house and walked inside.

“Hey dad. I’m going to a studio with Charlie and some friends in a bit” I said.

“What are their names?” he asked.

“Um...Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn” I said nervously.

Once Upon A Song (Niall Horan) *ON HOLD*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora