Chapter 2: Promise

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Skylar's P.O.V

I turned around and saw a cheeky Louis standing there smiling along with his four friends.

"You'd rather date Louis instead of me?" Harry said pouting.

"Well yeah. Louis just seems" I said. He chuckled.

"What about me?" Niall said.

"Can't. Charlie called dibs" I said.

"Ah. The dibs always work" Louis said.

I nodded smirking. I noticed that Charlie wasn't talking. I looked at her and she was staring at the guys.  Not blinking. Just staring. Is she even breathing?!

"Charlie. Charles. Char. CHARLIE!" I said.

"Sorry! Got a little shocked" she said trying to calm down.

"Happens a lot" Liam said simply.

"So are you gonna try out for the singing thingy tomorrow?" Louis asked.

"Yup!" Charlie said popping the p.

"Nope" I said popping the p.

"Why not?" Niall said

"No one has ever heard me sing before besides my family. So I'm most likely not the one you're looking for. Charlie over here is a good singer. Or you could ask one of those dingbats" I said pointing over to the clique of girls.

"Oh look. Here they come now" Charlie said with disgust in her voice.

Great. Just what I needed. Another day of those twats ruining my day. As they came over to us they only payed attention to the guys. Not Charlie or me. It's like as if we were invisible.

"Um yeah I'm just gonna go" I said.

"Wait! Let me have you and Charlies number!" Niall said.

"Why?" We both said.

"Yeah. Why them?" Tiffany said. That little twat...

"I don't see why not?" Niall said.

"But why them? She's nothing but a music dork" she said laughing. Which made her fellow friends laugh as well.

"Music dork?" Louis questioned.

"Yeah. I'm a bit of a music dork... Can't help it. I love music." I said. My phone vibrated signaling that I got a text.

From: Dad

Can you pick up Ellie from school? Sorry I'm being held in for work more late than I thought. Dinner should be in the fridge. Love you

"I gotta go. I have to pick up Ellie" I said.

"Wait! Can I get your number?" Niall asked again.

"Ask Charlie for it. I really have to go!" I said. I quickly put on my helmet and rode off on my skateboard to Ellie's school.

"Wait! what's your name!" Niall yelled out. I stopped and turned around.

"Skylar!" i yelled back.

I turned back around and continued riding the Ellie’s school. Did Niall Horan really just ask for my number? AND in front of Tiffany?! HA. That must of hurt her.

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