Chapter 11

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(Not) Your Typical High School Story

Chapter 11

I slept in Allie's room tonight, afraid of opening the door to travel to my own room. I couldn't risk facing him or my mom at the moment.

Allie was fast asleep after being in tears, yet I couldn't sleep. I was too deep in thought.

Why would he want to come back, why now? After ten years? Even after all the nasty things he said to her, he's still back.

I thought about it for a while, then it hit me. In most movies, the main character has to suffer some family problems during the main conflict of the whole thing, right? Maybe this was my family problem. Sure it wasn't a family member dying or someone being in the hospital, but it was my dad coming back.

Why did this have to happen, why? I hated this place. I regretted ever agreeing to move here. At least in Chicago, things made sense. Before, this whole 'movie' thing only affected me at school. But now, it was affecting me at home as well.

Why did it come down to this? I was a good person. I got good grades, I obey my parents... My mother at least. I've never done drugs or drank, I never threw myself at a guy... I was a good person. Yet, all this stuff had to happen to me. I decided to not dwell on the thought and go to sleep.


"Aww, look at you two," mom said as she opened Allie's bedroom door to see us sleeping together.

"Mom, what are you doing?" I said tiredly as I had just woken up.

"What do you mean? I'm waking you up."

"Could you not do that on a Saturday?" whined Allie.

"C'mon girls. I have plans for you today."

"What kind of plans?" I groaned. I was still tired from all my late night thinking.

"We are going to hang out with your father today."

"NO!" me and my sister shouted in unison.

"Oh no," she sighed, "Not you too Allie.

"He's no good!" she shouted in rely.

"Girls, I've had enough of this! Me and your father talked last night, and I agreed to forgive him. I need you girls to cooperate with me."

"Why is that so important to you mom?" I questioned.

"Because he is your father!"

"No he isn't!"

"Why not?"

"Because he treated you badly!"

Mom stood silent. I know what I said wasn't a bad thing, but for some reason, I felt terrible. She stood there silent forever.

"Mom..." I tried to say to start a conversation again.

She just stood still, saying nothing.

Allie went up to her and tugged on her sleeve, just like she used to do as a little kid when she wanted my moms attention.

Mom finally moved this time, all it took was a touch of warmth from one of the people she loved most. She pushed Allie's hand away and pulled her into a tight embrace. She looked at me, meaning that she wanted me to come in and join in the family moment as well.

She spoke through her tears this time, "You girls don't hate your father, you hate what he did to me. Is that right?"

"Yea..." Allie said.

"Well, we talked last night. I'm willing to give him a chance. I want you girls to give him a chance too. And if he doesn't treat me right, I will still feel safe knowing I have two body guards with me to protect me."

"Okay, I'll give him a chance," I replied.

"Me too," Allie agreed.

"Good. Now get dressed, he'll be here in twenty minutes."


"Here you go, my dear," my dad said gentleman-like as he gave mom the flowers.

"Oh, look at that," mom replied astonished, "These are the exact same flowers that you gave me on our very first date."

"Well, not the exact same. The ones I gave you on that date wilted years ago."

Mom laughed while playfully hitting his arm, "Oh Donald, how I missed your sense of humour."

Okay, as much as I hated to admit it, I was actually starting to like my dad. He was funny, nice, and treated us like royalty. I just prayed he'd stay this way forever and that this wasn't just a plan to lure us in and then become his same old self afterwards.

"Who wants ice cream?" dad asked as he saw the ice cream cart.

"ME!" shouted me and Allie in unison. We knew the polite thing to do would be to say 'no thank you', but we both loved ice cream.

"Oh Donald, you've spoiled us enough. Let me pay for the ice cream."

"No no, I insist. I haven't had a chance to spoil my daughters in a while, let me do it now. What would you like girls?"

"I'll have a scoop of cookies and cream," I said to the ice cream man.

"Sure," he said facing my way.

"Wait... Todd?"

"Katie? Hi!"

"Stalking me, are ya?"

"Well, this is my job, where as you came here willingly. So, I think that makes you the stalker here."

"Nice. Logic at its finest."

Of course, just like in the movies, we're supposed to just coincidentally meet each other at any random place.

"Oh, you must be Todd, the gentleman that Katie just can't stop talking about," said mom.

"Ugh, mom!" I shouted. This was so embarassing.

"Oops, was I not supposed to say that?" mom giggled.

"Haha, it's all good. Since Katie seems to really like me, why don't I give you guys free ice cream? On the house."

Oh no, no need," said my dad.

"No, it's alright. Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure? Wow, thanks."

"It's no problem, really."

"Hey Katie," said dad, "Maybe you should go out with this boy. Then he'll give us free ice cream all the time!"

I mentally face palmed myself as I felt the shame of being embarrassed by both of my parents, meaning it was two times more embarrassing than usual.


Sorry this chapter took a long time, I'm having a bit of trouble on this story but hopefully I'll work it out :)

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