Chapter 1

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(Not) Your Typical High School Story

Chapter 1

"Mean Girls now? Really Allie?"

"Hey, these movies give you very important skills for life!"

"Oh, yea. When the non-existent mean popular girl of the school starts taunting you, you can always count on her hot ex who has some weird crush on you to save the day."

She shrugged her shoulders, "It could happen."

I took the remote and shut the TV, "No. It won't. All teenage girls have this false image of what it's like to be in high school only to be disappointed. And it's all because of these crap movies."

"HEY! GIVE ME THAT!" she said while grabbing the remote and turning on the TV, "THEY AREN'T CRAP!!!"

"Yes they are. The plot line is so untrue and totally predictable. Average girl goes to new school, bumps into hot guy, turns out to be mean girls ex. Mean girl starts to taunt you for talking to her ex. You prove you're better than her. You're popular and go to prom with the boy, they kiss, and the end."

"Okay, sooo not true. High School Musical. Boy wasn't mean girls ex. And there was no prom."

"But the mean girl had a huge crush on the hot guy. But he had a crush on the main character girl, which is the reason the mean girl taunts the main character. And prom? The theatre performance and big game at the end were enough to make up for that."

"Okay... Uhm... Sydney White! Took place in university, not high school, bam."

I sighed in boredom. No way Allie would win this fight, she made it too goddamn easy,"Popular mean girl and her clique. Main character talks to mean girls hot ex, mean girl hates her, tries to destroy her, but she ends up with the boy at the end."

"Uhm... Uhm--"

"Give it up Allie! Admit it! A freaking six year old could come up with the plot of these movies! Why the sudden interest anyway?"

"Well, we just moved here to Chicago. Our first day at our new schools are tomorrow. I just really want to have the high school experience these girls in the movies have."

I raised my eyebrow at her, "You are going to middle school, NOT high school. But really? You want to have a mean girl constantly picking on you? You want to be the outcast that doesn't belong in any of the non-existent 'cliques'?"

"What I meant is that I WANT a nice boyfriend at the end of it as well as to prove my superiority over the mean girl."

"Allie, you need to stop. It's not gonna happen. It never will. The people who create these movies just know what kids will watch and just want to make money off it. They're brainwashing you."

"Stop being such a grumpy head! Anything is possible."

"Allie you don't even need a boyfriend. Once you get to be older you'll realize that it was never that important. The most important thing is that you find your close friends and you stick with them till the end. You have the rest of your life to find a boyfriend. But your close friends are the ones who will help you survive forever."

"Ohhhh pleeeasseeeee, that's just something people say when they are in denial because they can't get a date. Like you."

"It's not that I can't get one. I just refuse to have one."

"Uhm, no. It's because the only guy whose ever showed interest in you is Colin Wills in the first grade."

"Not true!"

"Okay, then I dare you to name another guy who has showed interest in you."


"I win! Yay!"

"You didn't win anything!"

Mom came into the living room sighing, "Oh Katie and Allie, WHAT are you bickering about now?"

We both started to talk at once, telling totally different stories. I was talking about how I was trying to help her and save her from wasting her life trying to achieve the life of what these dumb movies show. She was saying how she was 'preparing' herself for her first day tomorrow and how I was interrupting.

"Okay, okay, girls," mom said with a hand to her forehead in stress, "I don't understand a word you're saying. But just please, leave each other alone. I don't have time to solve a problem my two teenage girls have that they can solve on their own."

"Okay, whatever," I said while rolling my eyes then faced Allie, "You keep watching your crap movies which aren't preparing you for anything but disappointment. I, however, will go to my room and Skype with Jen."

"Hmph. Fine."

I walked away shaking my head. She was all in over her head for this. Nobody has high school experiences like this... EVER! But I guess graduating from elementary is the time where your pre-pubescent hallucinations come in and you just dream of being the cool girl that society shows in all these popular movies. I was just like her when I was her age. Maybe I was a bit hard on her. But she's my sister, no matter how much we bicker, I still love her. I still want to protect her and I just hope she doesn't waste time on this false dream. It will never happen to anyone, ever. Right?


Decided to take a break from fanfictions and try to extend my followers/readers beyond fandoms with this story. I'm really excited for it, I hope you are too :)

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