Chapter 9

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(Not) Your Typical High School Story

Chapter 9

"Okay Katie, what's next on the list?" Todd said looking up at me.

I glanced at my clipboard of papers and read our next two items, "vinegar and cooking oil."

He looked up at me with his face scrunched, "That's an odd choice... Why did we choose that?"

"Because, I have a good explanation for what is going to happen. Vinegar is immiscible with cooking oil, but miscible with H2O. The reason for this is because vinegar is a polar substance. However, if it dissolved with oil and not H2O, it would be a non-polar substance."

He smirked at me, "Very smart words. Let's do that, and make sure that we say our explanation in those exact words."

"Good," I smiled.

"How did you even know that anyway?"

"It's basic grade 11 chemistry. I took basic and advanced and in the basic class, everything just stuck with me easily."

"You are one smart individual."

"Thank you," I blushed.

Oh crap, why did I blush? Because he complimented me? Was I falling for him? I couldn't... I couldn't afford to 'like' someone.

He got the vinegar and oil from his kitchen cupboard and I poured them together in one of his moms old glass bowls. He then came behind me while I was pouring.

"Well, you're right. They don't mix," he said from behind my shoulder.

"Don't ever doubt me," I said cockily with a smirk.

"Never did."

I turned around to face him without realizing how close he was to me when he was talking from behind. Our lips were about five inches apart, not that I cared though. Did I? My thoughts were broken when I realized he was leaning in to kiss me. Even though my brain said no, my heart told me to kiss him back. Unconsciously, I leaned in to kiss him back.

There was suddenly a knock on his front door.

Todd sighed, interrupting our moment, "I am so sorry. I guess my moms home."

"Go get the door then," I smiled in reply even though I was kind of bummed.

"Hey mom," he said as he opened the door. I could hear him from his living room since his house wasn't all that big.

"Hey honey," she replied, "Is your friend still here?"

"Yeah, she still is. She's just in the kitchen right now, continuing our data."

"Ahh, I see. Well, since she's here, why don't you invite her to dinner?"

"Mom," he whined, "I don't need you telling me when I should go on a date and who I should go on a date with."

"No dear, I didn't mean that. I meant to invite her to stay at our house for dinner, since it is close to dinner time after all."

"Oh, okay mom. I will."

"Although, she is really pretty and seems very nice from the last couple times I've met her. If you want a date, you got my blessing."


"Okay, sorry."

"So Katie," he said as walked into the kitchen.

"Uhm... Yea!?" I replied startled while picking up the clipboard to write things down. I couldn't let him know I was eavesdropping.

"Me and my mom would like for you to stay till dinner. You up for it?"

"Oh, uhm, I think my moms already getting supper ready at home. I don't want you to go through all the trouble."

"Oh, it's no trouble at all," said his mom as she came into the room as well, "Please stay. We would really enjoy your company."

"I don't want to intru--"

"No no no Katie, you're staying," she replied.

"There's no escaping, is there?"

"Nope," Todd said while popping the p.

"Okay, well, I'll just call my mom to let her know I won't be home for supper and then I'll come back to help clean this table for dinner."

"Oh, nonsense Katie! You're a guest at this house."

"Well, it is partially my fault that the table is dirty. I really don't mind cleaning up."

"Nope, that is my job. You and Todd will just go to the living room and relax."

"Your mom is very demanding," I whispered to Todd while we were on our way there.

"Try living with her," he replied.


"Katie, you are a really intelligent girl," Todd's mom said to me at the dinner table.

"Yea," his dad continued, "I'm really of Todd right now. He usually brings home girls that aren't so bright."

"Dad..." he groaned in embarrassment.

I chuckled, "Aww, you guys are so sweet."

"What time do you have to be home by, Katie?"

I looked at my watch in shock, "Oh my goodness, it's past 8. I really need to go. I am so sorry."

"Oh, it's alright. You are welcome back any time," his mom replied.

"Thank you, dinner was great. Bye!"

"Bye sweetheart!"

Coincidentally, Todd's home was walking distance from mine. If that was a movie cliche, I didn't even care at this point. I was simply too happy to think of all the worries of the world.

Moms advice had completely turned everything around. I had myself new friends, and I was happy. Nothing could have ruined my day.

I got to the apartment, unlocked the door with my keys and came in carefully, afraid mom would yell at me for coming home later than I should have.

"Katie!? Is that you?" I could hear her call from the washroom.

"Yea, it is..." I said cautiously.

"Oh honey, you worried me sick. But I'm glad you're okay. I'm in the shower, I'll be out in five minutes."

I laid down on the couch sighed in relief that she wasn't mad. Usually she would be, but I guess today was just a happy day for everyone.

There was a knock on the door. Usually I would be in a really grouchy mood when I had to get off from my comfortable couch position to open the door, but I didn't mind it today. Life was going great and perfectly, nothing could ruin it.

However, I spoke too soon once I opened the door.

"Katie, it's you."



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Sorry this chapter was kind of boring. It was more of a filler to make Katie happy, then ruin her mood at the end with her dad cuz I'm evil. >:)

Oh, and all that polar and non polar solutions business was courtesy of grade 11 chemistry.

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