Chapter 7

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(Not) Your Typical High School Story

Chapter 7



"Honey... It's time to go to school."

"I don't want to."

At this point mom was poking me, trying to get me to wake up. Normally, I loved going to school, but not my new school. I did not want to go back to that dastardly place.

"Sweetie, you have to go to school. Please?"

"I don't HAVE to."

"Yes, you do. It's kind of the law. Anyone under 18 must be enrolled in school."

"Well, no, I don't have to. The only reason I would have to is because I don't want to get in trouble with the law. But maybe I don't care about the law."

"Do you care about your mother? Cuz if you don't go to school it's ME getting in trouble with the law, not you."

"Why can't I go to another school?"

"I don't want you to."

"What!? Why?"

"Because, you need to learn to fight your own battles, not just run away from them. I understand you may not particularly like your school--"

"I hate it."

"Yes, I understand, but you need to push that all aside and make your experience here there experience of a life time."

"Ugh, I'm not leaving that school, am I..." I said as I buried my face in my pillow.

"Fat chance. Now get up."


I got up from bed as she left the room and put my face into my palms. She would never understand, and neither would anybody else.

I packed my bag and got my zipper-defying binder and went into the car with mom and Allie. There was no use fighting it. I was going to school.

"So, Allie," said mom trying to make conversation.

"Yea, mom?"

"You excited for school?"

"Gee, I dunno. I was kinda left in disappointment yesterday. I don't know if today will be any better."

"Oh no... Both my girls aren't happy with their schools," she said while getting a sad look on her face, "Is it something I did?"

"No mom, absolutely not," I said trying to comfort her.

"Yea mom, it's not your fault at all," Allie said, " You didn't know. I mean, if I only had a crushed spirit like Katie sooner, I wouldn't have had such high hopes."

"Excuse me?" I said as I turned around in the shotgun seat to give her a glare.

"Nothing," she said with a grin to cover up what she had just said.

"Well, girls, just something I've heard someone tell me a long time ago. Don't expect too much or you will live your life in disappointment."

"Wow, where did that come from?" I questioned. My mom wasn't one to just spit out sentimental quotes like that.

"Nothing, it's nothing. It doesn't matter who it came from, what matters is that you remember it."

"Mom..." me and Allie said in unison while giving her a glare.

"Okay, okay, well, your dad said that to me before he left. He claimed I expected too much from him as a husband and then he left me. But that's the past."

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry mom," I said sympathetically.

"Yea," continued Allie, "We shouldn't have brought it up."

"Oh, it's alright. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have had you girls. And you mean the world to me."

"Aww, we love you mom."

"I love you too."

After Allie got dropped off at her school, I got dropped off at mine.

"See ya, mom."

"Bye honey. Keep your head held high and a positive mind, okay?"

"Alright. I'll try, for you."

"Aww, thank you. I love you so much."

"You too mom. Bye."

I walked up the schools picnic table surrounded pathway dreading my second day of school.

I went to my locker and was about to goto my second class until Erica caught up to me.

"Hey K!"

"Katie. It's Katie."

"Oh right, right, no nicknames for you. Well, how are you doing today Katie? See, I'm trying to keep the words I say to a minimum so that you don't think I talk too much and ramble on and on. I think I'm doing pretty well. Oh, besides me rambling on and on right now. Maybe I'm not as good as I thought I was."

I would be pretty frustrated with her by now, but I promised my mom I'd try to keep a positive outlook, and this girl only wanted to be my friend, so I tried to stay friendly.

"Eh, it's okay," I replied kindly, "We all have our flaws."

"Aww, that's really sweet of you to say, especially for you. Why are you so kind today?"

"Oh, you noticed how I was acting yesterday?"

"Yea, I kinda did," she said while she scratched the back of her head, "But I just brushed it off, cuz you are the only person who was able to tolerate me that long, besides my other friends you met at lunch yesterday. So, I thought you might be worth it."

"Well, you are one of the only people who has made an effort to be nice to me at this school since I got here. So I thought you might be worth it too."

"Pals?" she said as she took her hand out to shake mine.

"Pals," I said smiling while accepting he hand shake.

Maybe mom was right, all I needed was a positive outlook. Maybe going to school here won't be all that bad.


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