Chapter 8

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(Not) Your Typical High School Story

Chapter 8

"Alright class," said my chemistry teacher Mr. Williams, "Does every body have all the notes down?"

"Yes," the whole class creepily said in unison. This was a 'movie' after all.

"Good. I will now be assigning a project."

"Project!?" I exclaimed without thinking, "It's only the second day of school!"

"Shhhhh!" everyone looked at me and scolded.

"Anyway," Mr. Williams continued, "You will do this in partners--"

He was interrupted by the sound of excited gasps as people looked around to be partnered with their friends.

"Ah ah ah, wait till I finish before you get your false little teenage hopes up. Your partner will be your table partner--"

He was interrupted once again as everyone groaned, in unison.

"No whining, you are all going to be adults soon. Adults don't wine so you should not either. Your project is to go around your home, look at house-hold liquids or solids. You will mix them together, see the reaction, and wonder why they reacted that way. Was it because two ingredients reacted together in that way? Because two ingredients did not want to react at all?"

"Uhm, excuse me Mr. Williams," said the smart ass Amy, because every movie needs one of those, "Isn't that a bit dangerous? What if it explodes?"

"Well, over the next few days I will be teaching you mixture mixing safety techniques that you must apply to your studies. This assignment has worked out with students every single year, and there were absolutely no issues. I don't want any student to challenge that in any way by screwing that up, because I am not responsible for any lost eyebrows," he said as he grinned.

The class giggled at Mr. Williams' sense of humour. He seemed like he would be a good teacher, now that I had a positive outlook rather than a negative one.

"Now, I will get Amy to hand out the project outline while you discuss this with your partners. While discussing, there will be no need to converse with other groups, so don't."

"Look Katie," Todd said to me panicked, "For some reason, you dislike me. I'm sorry for that, but I guess I can't change your opinion. Can we just pretty please get through this project with no hassle? I really want to get a good mark on this project."

I sighed. Although I did not have any room for romance in my life, just like Erica, Todd was just trying to be nice to me. He just wanted to be friendly and I was in no position to push him away.

"No Todd," I said, "I should be the one apologizing to you. I have been a total bitch and you were just trying to be nice. Something just snapped at the time and I kinda took it out on you. I hope you can forgive me."

"Of course I'll forgive you. If I don't, I won't get a good mark on this project since we'll spend the whole time bickering, won't we?"

"Wow, look who's the jerk now! Forgiving me just for a good chemistry grade."

"Hah, I'm kidding. Let's get moving on this project though."

So, me and Todd conversed and made plans about how we were going to carry out this project, since there was no class time to do it. We would have to do it on our own times. We ended up being really good friends by the end of class, and I hoped that's all we'd be.


"Katie," Erica sung as she saw me once we were walking to the cafeteria. We did have classes together but this was the first time since before school started today that we have talked.

"Oh, hey!"

"Hey? HEY? That's all you have to say?"

"Uhm... Hey, how's it going?"

"That's not what I meant! I want you to talk about you and Todd."

"What about me and Todd? We're just partners for the project."

"'Just partners?' KATIE! You are his science partner! And not for just any science; chemistry, CHEMISTRY!" she said excitedly as she grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

"Whoa whoa Erica, he's just my partner, nothing more."

"Pssshhhh, 'just your partner'," she scoffed as she put her fingers up to emphasize quotation marks.

"Well, yea. It's not like he chose me to be his partner or anything."

"Okay, maybe not, but who says fate can't work a little magic?"

"I don't believe in fate, sorry."

"Well, I do. You thinking of going to prom with him?"

"Erica! I just met him yesterday! And prom isn't till June! It's still only the second day of school."

"But he's cute, and he's your project partner! Don't tell me that you DON'T want to go to prom with him!"

"I barely know him! According to you, the only reason I should go with him is because he's cute. But I am not that superficial, sorry."

"Superficial!? Did you just call me superficial!?"

"Not just you, this whole school. All you people care about here is looks."

"Okay, well, you can be a grumpy pants all you want. But I just know that you and him will be going to prom together."

"And I just know that whatever happens, happens."

"Whatever. Anyways, let's go for lunch."

"Yea, because lunch the first time just went so well for me."

Right after I said that, we were, again, magically already at the front of the line getting our food. We then walked over to her friends while continuing the conversation.

"As long as nothing happens between you and the populars, all will be fine. Please, don't try to stand up for me and my friends. We beg of you."

"Oh, hey Katie!" said Arty , "You're not planning to talk to the populars for us again, are you?"

"You guys don't need to be so scared of them. If I confront them, they'll only hurt me, not you."

"Exactly," said Robbie.


"Well, you're our friend. We don't want to see you get hurt just for us," said Erica.

"I've only met you guys yesterday. Why do you care so much?" I replied.

"Yesterday you only met us a minute before standing up to the populars for us. Why do YOU care so much?"



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