"Your smart, but not as smart as me!" He lied sarcastically.

"Yeah well if you tell them Jason is a brony, no one will believe you!" I explained.

Octavius sneered meanly, "If you do that then I will kill Hazel with a gun!" He opened a door in the temple and in the darkness torture chamber inside I could see that Hazel was tied to a chair with rope and chains, and a gun was pointing at her!

Now how did Octavian have the time to do that?

"No, its too dangerous to kill Zeus, he is the powerful of the gods!" said Jason, but I knocked him out on the head so he wouldn't interfere, it was for his safety. Then I glared at Octavius in anger like burning leafs in a fire, "Ok I have no choice!"

When I walked away so he couldn't see me I busted into tears, liquid silver flowed on my face.

I thought they were choral tears?

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I said Hailey rocks ass, the stupid site took away the swirly letter a thing, I never said shes not a nazi. Nazis are bad and evil an theyre all dead anyway. Anyway if you think this is a bad story then write your own stories so you don't insalt my story.

PS Hailey beta read this one too, I wrote it but she fixed the spelling and stuff.

Yeah, Hailey's not doing a good job on being your beta.

Chapter 29...Death in Olympus

Tears dripped sadly on the silver steak in my hand, I needed to prepare and go kill Zeus. I didn't want to kill him but I had no choice cause if I didn't then Octavius would kill Hazel. I took a big hammer of oakish wood to hammer the steak, also I took Agamemom, Telemachus, Achilles, Draceenas Doom and my sliver plated hand gun and some garlic just in case. Lastly I put on a black leather dress. I was ready for to kill.

Okay, first the stake, and now garlic.
Zeus is a vampire confirmed.

It was like 5 minutes to walk to Olympus,

5 minutes.So you walked from California to New York in 5 minutes.
Makes sense.

tears fell in my foot prints, actually it was raining and the sky was all gray and dark with depression. I didn't want for Zeus to die but this way the only way that was open for me and I must follow my heart. I climbed in the dark elavader, all the way up to Olympus it played depressing songs with depressing words. Also I was wearing high heels with poison knifes for the heels. In my heart I felt like a trader.


"Hello, welcome to Olympus Airlines!This is your captain speaking, please remember to put your mortal carryons in the compartment above your seat.

He didn't know I had the weapons cause he couldn't see I hid them in my bra. "I'm here to visit my mom Artemis," I lied sexly. (Also the blessing of Artemis went on me so I got really sexy, also I got 18 so its legal to seduse Zeus.)

Pretty sure all of those weapons would fit in that bra.

"Yeah well she's not home," Said Zeus wisely.

I put some sleeping powder in some ambrosa and mixed it all up, then I gave it to him, "Here is a gift!"

Zeus drank the whole thing, then he fell asleep. It was so much sleeping powder it would kill like 60 mortal people and like 30 deimgods, but it just made Zeus fall asleep cause he was the powerful of all the gods.

I pulled out the silver steak, it glintered in the light from the moon. I could see Zeus's reflexion on it sort of like in a mirror, he was actually kind of hot for an old guy so I didn't want to carry this evil murder deed. But what choice did I have, Octavius would kill Hailey if I refused! My heart was broken and devisive.

Oh,so that's why Hazel acts so differently.She's possessed by Hailey.

Suddenly the wisdom of Artmeis spoke to my heart, and I knew....I had another choice! I went to the elevader and rushed back down to the Roman camp and flunged open the door.

"Did you kill Zeus," Octavius snitted, smiling with evil because he could control me to do what he wanted. With the most powerful demigod of the age he would rule the world!

"Yes," I lied wisely.

"Did you bring back his heart in a box," Octavius asked. "Its for proof that he is acutely dead and not just pretending to be dead or anything."

"I lied, I didn't kill Zeus, but I'm going to kill youuuu mother efucker!1" I yelled! I pulled out my hand gun really fast and shot him right in the leg, then when he fell over I put the stake through his heart (see because thats what he wanted me to do to Zeus but instead I did it to him.)

"Where's Hazel is she safe!" I gritted in my teeth. But he was dead so he didn't say anything yet, my heart sunk, what if he lied and he shot her anyways?! I opened the torture room door. I relieved myself, Hazel was still alive! She was just tied to a chair so I untied her and let her go.

"Where's Octavius did you kill him?" She said.

"Yeah, also Zeus is alive," I explained.

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