11: Presents and Suspicion

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Daves POV:

"Hey, I'm gonna go get pizza or some shit like that. Can you grab a random sweater from the closet for me?" I asked Sollux who was just sitting beside me, watching the screen as I played Call of Duty.
It sucks that we don't have fucking cable, so video games will just have to do for now.. Dirk said once we have a tv for the living room, then we'll get cable. That was like two years ago though. It's not gonna happen.

"Uh yeah 2ure."
Sollux got up and walked to the closet as I shot somebody.

"Aw hell yeah!"


I jumped and paused, looking to the side.

"II opened iit and that fell out!" He pointed.

I quickly walked over and saw my jar of savings, broken and scattered on the floor. Damn.

I kneeled down and began to pick it up.
"Heh, it's fine. I shouldn't have even out this in a jar in the first place. Can you help me pick it up?"

Sollux kneeled down and started helping.
"Whoa, where'd you get all thii2 ca2h?"

"I used to help Egbert clean his dad's car when we were younger. He paid us for it, well me because John would always get the car dirty again somehow.  I also had a job at liquor store once during the summer after graduating from high school. The owner fired me when he found out I was sorta taking Apple juices home.."

Sollux laughed and gathered up some coins.

I smiled and got a small box from my desk, putting the money in there.
"I always find change around, and sometimes on the streets I find like five bucks? It all adds up pretty quickly.."

"What're you 2aviing iit for?"

"To get out of here.. I hate living here.. Once I get a little more, I plan on renting out my own apartment.. I've been looking for jobs too, but nothing so far.." I sighed and put the box back on the top shelf in the closet. We started picking up the glass.

"Doe2 Diirk-"
"No, and I don't plan on telling him I have that money or even plan on leaving. He might take it for his stupid robot parts and shit.."

Sollux nodded and we cleaned in silence for a while. After we finished cleaning, we both stood.

"Uh, here2 your 2weater."

"Dude, that's a t-shirt."

"Fuck, II grabbed the wrong one." He groaned and put it back, handing me the actual sweater.

I laughed and put it on, "Thanks. Wanna come wit- Wait, Nevermind."

"What? Why can't II come?"

"Because I just remember Christmas is coming up. Forget pizza, I'm going to the mall. You wouldn't want to ruin your gift, would you?"

"My giift?"


"Your gettiing me 2omethiing?"

"Yeah of course. Why do you seem so surprised?" I raised an eyebrow.

Sollux looked down and away from my direction.
"II.. Uh.. II've never gotten a pre2ent beefore.. Or even celebrated Chrii2tma2.."

". . . . . . You got to be fucking kidding me. . . . "


I grabbed my wallet and his wrist, pulling him out of the room.
"You're coming with me now."

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