Chapter 16

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"The jury and I have come to a verdict. We will be not be sending you away, out of the Community, nor will we be sending you back to the time you're supposed to be in. No, that would be too easy. Instead, your punishment will be public. Where, when, and how will not be up for discussion now. You will know when it happens. However, when your decided punishment is inflicted, know that it is just our means of making sure you are corrected of your wrong, sir. Court dismissed!" He yelled. People began to pour out of the room. But even the sound of their feet against the stone floor could not drown out Lilliana's cries. I pushed through the crowd to try and get closer. Peace Guards had already tranquilized Liam, by the looks of it. Lilliana was sobbing, with her head hung low in her hands. More guards walked over to her and held the barrel of the tranquilizer to her forehead. She quieted almost instantly. The Mayor had left the scene, as with almost everyone else in the room.
I watched hopelessly as they dragged Liam- no, Cale, I corrected myself- out of the room one way, and Lilliana, who had been dead silent the remainder of the trial, the other way. Tears spilled down my cheeks. This was the goodbye I needed to give him. "Bye, Liam." I whispered. My hand was raised in farewell for him, though I knew he could not hear me. He was gone.

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