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Years passed and Dhani was finally out of the house and in college. I decided to call Olivia again to see if she was single, turns out, she was. She had just finalized her divorce and was thinking about moving back to Liverpool. A few weeks after our initial phone call, I decided to call her again.

"Hi Liv,"
"Hi Georgie! How are you?"
"I'm fine, thanks. How are ye?"
"I'm doing well. So why'd you call? Is everything alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, everythins fine,"
"Then what's up?"
"Are ye back in Liverpool?"
"Yeah, I moved into my apartment last week. Why?"
"I was wonderin if you'd like to go out to dinner tonight,"
"I'd love that," she smiled.
"Alright, what's yer address?" She quickly gave me her address and I wrote it down on my hand. "Alright, I'll pick ye up at 6,"
"Sounds good," she cheered. "See you later,"
"Bye," I smiled and hung the phone up.

Later that night I took her out to a fancy restaurant. We had an amazing night, I was surprised that I liked her so much.

Another few years passed and I was considering asking her to marry me. I went to a jewelry store and picked out a nice diamond ring. I knew she had a a ring size of 6 so I bought her one in her size so she wouldn't have to wait for it to be sized. One night I asked her out on a date so I could propose.

"This place is so nice," she said in a chipper voice.
"I thought you'd like it," I smiled.

After we finished our meal, I grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes.

"What's gotten into you George," she chuckled.
"Liv, ye know I love ye right?"
"Yeah," she smiled.
I gave her a smile back and got down on one knee.
"Olivia Trinidad Arias, will ye marry me?"
"Yes," she cried and she hugged me.
I gave her a smile and placed the ring in her finer. "I love you George Harrison,"
"And I love ye Penny Lane," I whispered.
"Penny..." Olivia became furious.
"Olivia, oh my god I'm sorry!"
"George," her voice soon calmed down, "its okay," she whispered. "I know you miss her and love her. I get it, you two have been through a lot, but its been over 10 years! I'm sorry but you need to at least try and get over her if we're going to be together,"
"I'll do my absolute best Liv,"
"Thank you," she hugged me and rubbed my back.

Another year passed and it was our wedding day. We got married in the gardens if Friar Park. Dhani drove down from London so he could be there. Thankfully, Dhani finally made his peace with Olivia so there were no problems.

Years later, Dhani had a good music career, Olivia and I were living happily in Friar, when one day, I got sick. I went to the doctor, turns out I got lung cancer...apparently it was terminal; I had about 3 months to live. In those 3 months, Dhani stayed in Friar with Olivia and I.

When my time came, everyone said their final words to me and I said my final words to them.

"Love one another," I whispered and my heart rate decreased.

When my heart stopped, I saw a bright white light. I knew I was dead. Once I passed the Pearly Gates I found Penny...my beautiful Penny.

"Penny!" I yelled.
"George!" she yelled back.
We ran to each other and tackled each other with hugs.
"I missed ye so much," I said.
"I missed ye more!"
"That's not possible," I cried.
"I've been watchin ye guys over the years," she began crying as well. "Dhani's gotten so big. I miss him so much. By the way, I heard everythin ye guys ever said to me. Congratulations on every album. On Liv, congrats on everythin,"
"Thank ye," I rubbed her back.
"My favorite song ye ever wrote was If Not For You,"
"I can sing it for ye," I chuckled.
"Okay,"she laughed.
"If not for you
Babe, I couldn't even find the door
I couldn't even see the floor
I'd be sad and blue, if not for you

If not for you
Babe, the night would see me wide awake
The day would surely have to break
It would not be new, if not for you

If not for you, my sky would fall
Rain would gather, too
Without your love I'd be nowhere at all
I'd be lost, if not for you

If not for you
The winter would hold no spring
Couldn't hear a robin sing
I just wouldn't have a clue, if not for you

If not for you, my sky would fall
Rain would gather, too
Without your love I'd be nowhere at all
I'd be lost, if not for you

If not for you
The winter would hold no spring
Couldn't hear a robin sing
I just wouldn't have a clue, if not for you

If not for you."
"I love ye George Harrison,"
"And I love ye Penny Lane..."

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