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YEAR: 1965

About a month after my birthday Dhani and I moved to Liverpool with George. We said our goodbye's to Jojo and Loretta which was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. About a month after we moved, Dhani and I finally got everything unpacked. One day when Dhani was at school, George was off so we just spent the day in.

"Hey, Pen!" George called from the living room.
"Yeah?" I said while walking in.
"Have yer parents met Dhani yet?"
"No, they don't deserve to meet him,"
"Why not?"
"They kicked me out when they found out I was pregnant! They're not gonna care,"
"They kicked ye out?"
"Yeah...that's why I moved to Hamburg,"
"They should still get to meet him. Take him this weekend. I know for a fact, they still live in the same house,"
"Oh alright, I'll see what Dhani says,"

As our conversation finished, Dhanis bus pulled up in front of the house. He ran in and set his book bag down on the couch.

"Hey how was school?" George asked.
"It was good," he replied.
"Do ye have any homework?" I asked.
"Alright get to it. I'll help ye of ye need it,"
"Kay mum,"

About an hour later, we all sat down to dinner.

"Hey Dhani,"
"Yeah mum,"
"How would ye like to meet yer grandparents this weekend,"
"I'd like that,"

A few days later it was time for me to see my parents again. I was nervous as can be. George wasn't able to come with us because he had to work. We decided to drive to my parents house; we got there about 10 minutes after we left our house. We walked to the front door; I hesitated knocking on the door. When I finally did, I froze in terror when the door opened.

"Hello...can I help ye?"
" ye remember me?"
"I'm sorry," the lady chuckled, "I don't think we've ever met," she stuck her hand out to introduce herself, "I'm Sadie Lane, or Mrs. Lane if yer feelin fancy. Who are ye?"
"Ye have the same last name as my mum!" Dhani said.
"Oh I do?" Sadie, my mum, chuckled.
"Hi mum..."
"May I come in?"
"Yeah, yeah," she let me in, "Is this yer kid?"
"Yeah, his name is Dhani,"
"He's too cute,"
"Dhani this is my mum, say hello,"
"Hi," he whispered.
"So is dad here?"
"Yeah, he's in the livin room. Would ye like a drink?"
"Water will be fine, ta,"
"Alright, what do ye want Dhani?"
"Water please,"
"Alright, Dhani, do ye wanna go in the kitchen with gram?"
Dhani followed my mum into the kitchen as I walked into the living room.
"Hi..." I mumbled.
"Who are ye?" he asked.
"Penny Lane,"
"Penny!" my father soon became angry. "WHAT ARE YE DOIN BACK IN MY HOUSE!"
"Please don't yell-"
"I wanted ye to meet my son,"
"Get outta my house!"
"Dad he wanted to meet ye! Please put our differences aside for one afternoon!"
"Yer little mistake that's not my grandchild!"
"PENNY!" my mother interrupted.
"Please come here!"
"Okay," I gave my father an evil look and walked to the kitchen. "What?"
"What is goin on in there? Dhani is gettin scared,"
"Dads flipping out on me,"
"Cause of Dhani?"
"Yeah," I sighed. "This was a mistake, I told George I didn't want to come but he made me anyway. We should go,"
"No! Ye at least need to say hi go Abbey,"
"Where is she?"
"Her room,"
"She hasn't moved out yet?"
"I'll go say hello. C'mon Dhani," I grabbed his hand and we walked down the hall to my old room. I knocked on the door and walked in.
"Who are ye? Get out of my room!"
"Abbey, its me, Penny,"
"Penny!" She got up and hugged me. "Ye seem to be doin well. Is this yer son?"
"Yeah, his name is Dhani,"
"He's cute as can be! How are ye takin care of him?" she chuckled.
"Well at first I had Loretta and Jojo, now I have George,"
"Yeah I am," I laughed.
"Well good for ye,"
"Thanks," I smiled.
"Hey Dhani, do ye wanna go help gram with lunch?"
"Sure!" Dhani ran out of the room and joined my mother in the kitchen.
"So what's new?" I asked.
"I, uh, Pen, I'm pregnant,"
"Yeah..." she began crying.
"Who's the father?"
"I don't know, some guy I met at the cavern,"
"What did he look like?"
"I dunno it was too dark,"
" fucked in the cavern,"
"Mhmm," she continued crying.
"Okay, did ye hear him talk?"
"Northern or Southern?"
"Okay...did ye notice anythin about him? Hair? Any facial features?"
Abbeys face went blank as her eyes widened.
"I know who it is..."
"Where does George work?"
"Uptown...Abbey Road studio, why?"
"Get yer kid, let's go,"
Abbey grabbed my arm and dragged me out of her room.
"Dhani we're leavin, c'mon,"
"Kay mum," he grabbed my hand and we walked out of the door.

We drove to the studio and Abbey stormed in. As she walked in, I lagged behind because I had to get Dhani out of car seat. Once he was out we ran in and began looking for the band. When I found them, Abbey was in there attacking Ringo.

"ABBEY!" I said as I ran in. "Take Dhani out," I said while giving Dhani to George. "ABBEY GET OFF OF HIM!" I said while grabbing her shirt collar.
"YOU BASTARD!" she yelled once I got her off of him.
"What did I do? I don't even know you!" he panicked.
"At the cavern! Ye fucked me!"
"I did!"
"Yeah..." she was finally calming down.
"I'm so sorry. I don't even remember it! I was probably drunk off my ass,"
"Its okay," she whispered.
"We should head home," I said while picking up a scared Dhani.

George and I awkwardly walked out of the studio and headed to the car. We drove home in silence, we didn't even bother turning the radio on. We spent the rest of the day at home. Around 9 o'clock I decided to put Dhani to bed. After I put him to bed, I walked into the living room and sat on the couch next to George.

"So how was yer day?" he asked.
"Well, my mother has forgiven me, my father still despises me, and Abbey's pregnant...that's how my day was," I chuckled.
"C'mere," George said as he wrapped his arm around me. He kissed my forehead and held me close. "I'm so glad ye agreed to move,"
"Me too, this is nice,"
"It really is," he kissed my head again.
"Yes..." I whispered.
"Yes what?"
"Yes I'll marry ye,"
George sat up and looked at me with a big, dopey grin.
"Yeah," I smiled back.
George began kissing me passionately and began taking off my shirt.
"George-" I pulled out of the kiss. "Are ye sure ye wanna do this?"
"Yeah," he said as he leaned back in.
I just let it happen, and it turned out to be a pretty great night.

About a month later Abbey called me.

"Hello?" my voice was raspy and weak.
"Hey Pen!"
"Can I come over?"
"I want pregnancy advice,"
"Ab, I'd love to help but I'm sick,"
"How sick are ye?"
"I've thrown up three times today,"
" is there anythin else ye want or can I continue throwin up in peace,"
"Ye can go back to bein all sick and gross. Bye,"
"Thanks, bye," I hung the phone up and continued moaning in pain.

Dhani was spending the night at a friends house and George was working late. Around 8 George finally came home to me lying on the couch.

"Hey," he said as he walked through the door.
"Hi," I painfully mumbled.
"Are ye alright?" he soon became concerned.
"Yer a bastard," I chuckled.
"Ye did it to me again,"
"I-I'm sorry...I'm lost..."
"Go in the bathroom, and look on the stink,"
"O-Okay," he raised an eyebrow and slowly walked into the bathroom down the hall. "OH MY GOD!" He ran back into the living room and tried picking me up.
"Stop," I mumbled.
"Oh...sorry," he smiled. "I'm so happy!"
"Yer gonna be a father," I whispered.
"I know," he gave me a hug and sat down next to me.
"2 kids outta wedlock...nice one Harrison,"
"Shut up," he nudged my arm. "Oh by the way, I picked this up today," he grabbed a little box out of his jacket pocket. "Now I can do this right," he got up from the couch, got down on one knee and grabbed my hands. "Penny Lane, will ye marry me?"
"Of course," I gave him a smile and a big.
"No kiss?" he laughed.
"Don't be cheeky Harrison."

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