Got to Get You Into my Life

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YEAR: 1968

As Paul walked out, I stood up and decided to follow him. I stayed a few feet back so he wouldn't notice me. I followed him back to his hotel. Once Paul walked into his room, that he shared with George, I just stood there, frozen in terror. I looked back on all the moments George and I had shared together. I smiled then realized, I do love him. I knocked on the hotel door and anxiously waited for it to open.

"What do ye want?" Paul asked.

I pushed past him and ran into the lounge where George was sitting on the couch with another woman. I stood there, frozen, near tears. Soon George stood up from the couch and became as paralyzed as me.

"Penny..." he whispered as he walked near me. I backed away and ran out of the hotel room.

I sprinted back to my apartment with George not far behind me.

"Penny!" He kept calling. I ignored him and continued running.

Once I got to my apartment, I sprinted up the stairs and burst through the front door. I slammed the door behind me and slid my back down the wall. I put my head to my knees and cried. A few minutes later George began knocking on the door.

"Penny its not what it looks like!" he yelled. "Penny please open up!"
"GO AWAY!" I cried.
"Penny...please open up and I'll explain everythin..."
"Go away George!"
"Penny that was Paul's girlfriend, Linda! She lives in New York and Paul was just introducin us! For god sake we're still married! I'd never cheat on ye!" He stopped talking for a few minutes. "I-I...I love ye Pen...but ye clearly don't love me...goodbye..." He began walking away.

I sprung up from the floor, tears stained my cheeks. I swung the front door open and chased him down the hall. I ran in front of him, then stopped. I turned around so I could face him. Our eyes were glassy and our cheeks were stained. I slowly placed my hands on his cheeks and began kissing him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close. I broke away from the kiss, smiling while crying.

"I'm sorry..." I cried.
"Its okay," he said while planting a soft kiss on my head.
"Not its not. I was a didn't deserve any of that..."
"Penny," he cupped my face, "its okay...really,"

I gave him a tight hug as I cried into his chest. As George and I stood in the hallway, Loretta came home with Dhani.

"Dad?" Dhani whispered.

George lifted his head; his smile lit up the room. I broke away from the hug and let George talk to Dhani. The two boys ran to each other and tackled each other with hugs; they both began crying.

"I missed ye," George said.
"I missed ye more!"
"Not possible..."

A few weeks later Dhani and I had everything packed up, we were ready to go back to Liverpool.

"I guess this is goodbye," Loretta said.
"I guess it is..." I replied. "I'm gonna miss ye," I gave her a hug.
"Oh please you're gonna be back here in 10 years. Mid life crisis or some other rubbish," she chuckled.
"Yer probably right," I laughed back. "Bye mum," I whispered.
"Yer my mum..." I smiled.
"And you're my daughter," she smiled back.
"Bye," I gave her one last hug. "I'll call ye when I get home,"

Dhani and I waved goodbye as we walked out of the apartment. We headed to the airport and a few hours later we were flying back to Liverpool. Dhani and I slept for most of the flight, when we woke up, we were about an hour away.

"I'm glad that ye and dad made up,"
"I'm glad too,"
"Why did ye make us move again?"
"I was havin second thoughts,"
"About what?"
"Even me?"
"When I was younger yes, I had second thoughts about you," I looked to him. "The second thought was me givin ye up..."
"Ye wanted to give me up?"
"At first, yes. But once yer uncle Jojo made me hold ye, I knew I had to keep ye...that was my second thought," I have him a smile.
"Thanks mum,"
"For what?"
"For keepin me,"
"My life wouldn't be the same without ye,"
"Would it be better? Y'known without me..."
"It'd be far worse," I gave him a kiss on the head as we landed.

After we exited the plane George was standing there.

"Hey," he said while giving me a hug, "how was the flight?"
"Long," Dhani complained.
"I bet it was," he laughed as he grabbed my hand. "Let's go home,"

The drive home seemed like forever, we weren't going our usual route.

"Where are we goin?"
"Home," he gave me a smile as he pulled up to a park.
"Why are we here then?"
"This is our home,"
"George this is a park..."
"See that mansion,"
"That's ours...this whole ours,"
"George..." I was in awe.
"Do ye like it?"
"I love it! Its beautiful!"
"Its a welcome home present," he have me a kiss on the cheek.
"Do ye like it Dhani?" I asked.
"Its so pretty!" he cheered.
"Wait till ye guys see the inside,"

When we walked inside I lost my breath. It was a gorgeous Gothic architecture with flowers visible from every window.

"I love it George," I gave him a side hug. "Why are ye so good to me when I've been nothin but shitty to ye,"
"I'm good to ye because I love ye," he kissed my forehead.

Dhani went to bed rather early that night so George and I spent the night relaxing. We were laying on the couch watching the telly, when he suddenly started kissing my neck.

"What are ye doin?" I chuckled.
"I haven't seen my wife in a year,"
"Oh alright Harrison," I laughed as he got on top of me.

A few months passed and George still hasn't told John and Ringo that I'm back in Liverpool.

"I'm headin to the studio," George said as he put his coffee mug in the sink.
"Why so soon?"
"Its 8 o'clock love,"
"I think we should go out to breakfast,"
"To celebrate,"
"Celebrate what exactly,"
I leaned over the counter and gave George a smile.
"A new arrival to the family,"
"What?" he sounded confused.
"Think George..."
"Yes!" I cheered.
He walked over and kissed me.
"When did ye find out?"
"3 months ago,"
"Of course ye didn't tell me," he laughed. "I'm so happy for ye Pen,"

After the family had breakfast we all headed to the studio with George.

"George!" They all cheered as he walked in.
"And Penny..." Ringo said.
"Please Penny left him," John chuckled.
"John..." George warned.
As John laughed he faced the door to see me and Dhani.

Paul was able to feel the tension in the room so he decided to take Dhani upstairs, George and Rinfo followed, but John stayed downstairs with me.

"Yer a fuckin bitch," John said as he pushed me into a wall.
"What the fuck John!"
"Shut up!" He struck me across the face. "Ye ruined George!" He then punched me in the face continuously.
"STOP IT JOHN!" I cried.
"Shut the fuck up!" He slapped me once more causing me to fall. "Yer a piece of shit Penny Lane!" He began kicking me in the stomach and face. When he was done beating me, he spit in my face. "A piece of shit,"

He then fixed his glasses and walked upstairs. I sat there, in agonizing pain waiting for someone to find me. After a while Paul came in, wondering where I was. When be found me he began yelling for help.

"Penny," he kneeled down next to me, "what happened? Who did this to ye?"
"John," I cried while struggling for air.
"SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" he yelled. "It's gonna be okay Pen,"

Several minutes later an ambulance came and took me to the hospital. All of the boys except John followed the ambulance. Once I arrived at the hospital, they did everything they could to make me heal faster. They ran a few tests and eventually called George into my room.

"What's wrong? How bad is the damage?"
"I'm not a car George!" I struggled to say.
"Damage to her body, how bad is it?"
"Its bad..."
"How bad?"
"Well, first of all, I'm sorry, but she lost her child, but I'm sure ye were able to figure that one out,"
"What else?" George was crying.
"She's bleedin internally and we can't stop it,"
"What does that mean?"
"Mr. Harrison...yer wife is going to die."

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