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I glared down at Annika as Lila rested a hand on my shoulder. Then she whispered coldly, "Do whatever it takes to make her confess. Threaten her, torture her, kill her. Whatever it takes." Shocked, I looked up at Lila to see a tear trailing its way down her cheek. Other than that, her face was like stone. Her next words shocked me even more. She growled, "Better yet, let me do it." I opened my mouth silently a few times, then bowed my head and said, "Go ahead." A determined grimace came across Lila's face as she crouched in front of Annika, reaching out a hand and grabbing Annika's chin. Then she lifted Annika's head up to look her in the eyes. Annika's dark brown eyes met Lila's green ones and Lila smiled evilly, saying, "You hear that? That's the silence that's about to be broken. Broken by your screams for mercy. But I'm not going to give you mercy. Not until you tell me how you stole Mentalist's soul and how to get it back." Annika opened her mouth to say something, but Lila stopped her, saying, "Oh, and your visual hypnotism isn't going to do crap." She pulled out a pair of reflective sunglasses and put them on, continuing, "See, Ace has done some research and found that you can't do anything if you can't see my eyes." Annika hissed, "I'm not scared of you, little girl." Lila chuckled darkly and replied, "You should be. If there is anyone you should be scared of, it's me. See, the others were all raised to have consciences. I wasn't. I was raised to take what came and never fight back. But guess what. I'm fighting back now. I'm not going to take crap from anyone, ever again." Annika glared at her, then looked down. Lila had a smirk plastered across her face as she looked at me, asking, "Do you by any chance have a pocket knife?" I nodded and pulled it out, tossing it to her. She flicked it open and tested the blade sharpness with her thumb. Then she pressed the tip of the blade against Annika's cheek. That was all I saw before I turned and walked out of the barn to let Lila get answers in private. As soon as I stepped outside, Ace and Blade came over and asked, "Where is Lila? She was really ticked when she found out what happened to Mentalist. Is she okay?" I nodded and answered, "She's getting answers." My sentence was punctuated by Annika's piercing scream.

A/N: Ah, how I love cliffhangers. Don't you just adore them? I know I do.

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