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When we got to the police station, parents were contacted and all the girls were reunited with their families. Before Kenzie and Kate left, however, Crimson had them talk to Gallic. See, during the car ride, when asked how she knew how to use a gun, Kate revealed that as soon as she touched it, she suddenly knew, even though she had no idea how to before. So they talked to Gallic about possibly coming in for testing.

-Time skip of a few days.-

Soon, the time for Crimson and I to go back to The Broken Skies, which, I discovered, was the name of the organization that we were part of. So, we got back in Crimson's car and drove back. When we got there and went into the training room, Gallic came out of her office with a shy looking, very pretty brown haired girl. Gallic came over with the girl, saying, "Ah, just the people I wanted to see. I'd like you girls to meet Sabrina, our newest recruit. She has the ability to read minds. And, she'll be staying with you ladies. Which brings me to the next thing, you're getting a new dorm. This time big enough for all three of you. How about you girls show her around?" Crimson and I nodded, then took Sabrina around the entire complex, most of which I hadn't seen either. After we went on the tour, we headed up to the new dorm. When we got there, and went in, the first thing I noticed was the fact that the mattresses were on actual bed frames and stuff. Then I started noticing other things. Like how there was a couch and a television and all sorts of cool stuff. I walked over to the bed where one of the pillows had my name embroidered on it and flopped down on it. Crimson giggled at me and I looked up at her. Sabrina simply sat down on the couch and turned on some random show. Several hours later, after we ate almost everything in the fridge, Sabrina said, "So, what are your powers?" I piped up from the floor, where I was laying, "I have super speed and the power to light things on fire with my mind." Sabrina leaned forward, very interested, asking, "You're a Bipower? But didn't they die out years ago?" I nodded and Sabrina nodded back, then turned to Crimson and asked, "What's your power?" Crimson answered, "I can melt metal with my hands." Sabrina nodded and we all went to bed.

A/N: Huge shoutout to Ichta12 , who is featured in this story as Sabrina. Please go check out her profile and follow her. Thank you!

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