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Larissa came hurrying out and wrapped me in a hug, not caring that I was covered head to toe in concrete dust. Then she held me at arms length and stated, "I heard about you and your friends getting everyone out of that building alive. According to the news, there appear to be no casualties. They were just interviewing one lady that described you perfectly, as well as your friend Mentalist and two other girls. She said that if it weren't for you, she would've never known to get out." Then Larissa hugged me again, saying, "You need a shower. And you can borrow one of Allison's outfits while I wash yours." I nodded and Larissa led me to the bathroom, then showed me how to work the shower. She told me to give her my clothes once I was done and that she would leave an outfit outside the door. Then she left the room to go do who knows what. I got in the shower and washed all the sweat and concrete dust off. When I got out, I peeked out of the bathroom and saw that Larissa had left a blue button up shirt and a gray pencil skirt. I grabbed them and closed the door, then got dressed. As soon as I was done, I left the bathroom and wandered around, looking lost. As I walked around, a tall, pale girl with reddish brown hair and purple eyes skipped up, asking me, "Are you lost?" I nodded and the girl laughed lightly, saying, "It's an easy house to get lost in. Want me to show you around? You're Lila, right?" I answered, "It would be great if you could show me around. And yeah, I am Lila." She chirped, "I'm Allison! And I would be more than happy to show you around. After all, Lucy won't be here for another two hours." She saw my puzzled look and continued, "Lucy is my girlfriend. She's Blade's twin sister. Which reminds me, Blade and Ace are coming over for dinner. It's their one year anniversary apparently and they want to hang out with us." I asked, "You know Blade and Ace? And anniversary of what?" Allison nodded and answered, "Anniversary of when they started dating. Shall I show you around now?" I nodded and Allison led me through the house, pointing out rooms and telling me what they were for. We had soon made our way through the whole house. Just as we finished the tour, a boy who looked about 12 came running up, shouting at Allison, "Allison, Lucy is here! So are Blade and Ace!" Allison's purple eyes lit up and she squealed, "C'mon, Lila! Blade and Ace are probably excited to see you! Also, meet Ethan." We hurried down the stairs, just as Blade, Ace, and who I assumed was Lucy were coming up. Long story short, we crashed into each other. As soon as we were all safely down the stairs, Lucy and Allison hugged tightly and Blade coughed, nudging Lucy and muttering, "Sis, introduce yourself." Lucy looked confused and stepped back, then introduced herself to Allison, saying, "Um, hi. I'm Lucy." Blade facepalmed, crying exasperatedly, "Not to Allison! To Lila!" Lucy looked even more confused until Blade pointed at me. Lucy's face went tomato red and she cried, "OH MY GOSH, I didn't even notice you! I'm so sorry!" I laughed and replied, "It's fine. I'm Lila." Lucy grinned sheepishly and mumbled, "I'm Lucy. Sorry about not noticing you. I've heard a lot about you." Just as I opened my mouth, another boy, who I assumed was Ethan's brother Joey, came running up, yelling, "Dinner is ready!" All of us looked at each other, then ran towards the dining room. We all took a seat, with me in between Blade and Allison. Ace was on Blade's other side and Lucy had, I kid you not, sat down in Allison's lap for about five minutes before Allison told her to get off. Then Lucy sat next to Allison. Just as everyone but Larissa had sat down, Crimson came sprinting in and gasped, "Blade, Ace, Lila, come, now!" Blade, Ace, and I got up and followed her out, until we reached the front door. Crimson was breathing quite heavily as she flailed her hands and gasped, "Mentalist, kidnapped, call from Scarlet, station, Mentalist, gone!" Blade held up her hands and shouted, "Whoa whoa whoa! Could you please repeat that in a language the rest of us understand? We don't speak Crimsonese!" Crimson glared at Blade and shouted, "Mentalist was kidnapped!" I felt all the blood drain from my cheeks and knew I probably looked like a ghost. Ace's face turned an alarming shade of red as she yelled, "What?!?!? Who took her? I'm gonna rip their throat out and shove it up their-". The rest of her rant was muffled by Blade's hand over her mouth as Blade asked calmly, "Are there any suspects?" Crimson shook her head no and answered, "None. Except possibly Lady Annika Von Kali." Ace's face was quickly turning purple as she continued to flip out, yelling very muffled curses at Lady Annika. Finally, Blade had to drag her out of the room into a quiet space and calm her down. Once Ace had calmed down to the point that she was no longer the color of an eggplant, we explained to Larissa and Kyle and everyone what had happened, then went out to Crimson's convertible and drove straight to Crimson's house, where Crimson explained, "Okay people, we need to get her back. Sadly, the only lead we have is three footprints, all of which were made by someone with high heels, which leads me to believe that it was Her Annoying Ladyship Annika Von Kali had something to do with it. We don't know how she got in, we don't know how she managed to kidnap Mentalist, we don't know how she got out. I'm thinking she had help, probably from a telekinetic. What do you guys think?" I blurted, "Well, if it was Lady Annika Von Kali, wouldn't Mentalist sense her? I mean, she was able to sense her mental energy while asleep. So if she was awake, wouldn't she notice it? We should check her house out to see if she maybe left a note or clue of some kind." Everyone looked at me and I blushed, mumbling, "Just a thought." Crimson stated in shock, "You are a genius. That is probably one of the best ideas I have ever heard. Ever."

A/N: Hola! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if it seems to kinda jump all over the place, but I'm half asleep and this is the best I could do. Love y'all.

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