"Hallelujah." I grinned lightly, quietly clasping my hands together.

"Self igniting?" Stiles contemplated, still clearly confused.

"Molotov Cocktail." Lydia rolled her eyes.

"Well we don't have a key for that either."

Lydia huffed, pulling out a bobby pin and getting to work on an attempt to open it. Jackson just smirked, connecting his arm to the glass. Sending shards of it everywhere and making quite a loud sound.

"Or you could do that."


Scott had fled awhile ago, much to Allison's surprise. She had begged him continuously to stay.

Look, I love Allison. But, tonight she was annoying me strongly. It wasn't Scott's fault, he was actually trying to save us.

We were all currently sitting, complete silence taken over us. We attempted to stay as far away from the door as possible. In fear of whatever was out there. I felt as if everyone in the room came to the conclusion that Derek was not the psychotic murderer. But, who knows. It's Jackson we're talking about.

Lydia and Jackson lent up against the wall, Allison sat in a desk and Stiles and I went to the previous position we were in. My head on his shoulder and eyes shut. His arm draped around me and our hands touching. I absolutely loved the place I was in, and I didn't want to move. I mean, unless the alpha burst through the door. Yeah, I think I would decide to move then.

"This is ridiculous." Sighed Allison, "He shouldn't be out there."

"It's the only way." I shook my head, my eyes fluttering open, "If Scott can find the key, we can get out of here."

"And what if Derek finds him first?"
She snapped, whipping her head around to face me.

"He'll make it." I took my head off of Stiles' shoulder.

"How are both of you okay with your best friend going out there?" Allison contorted her face in disgust.

Ooh, this girl was pushing some major buttons here. If she we trying to tell me that I wasn't being a faithful friend, and I wasn't crazy worried about him getting himself killed, she needs to rethink that statement.

"Because we have faith in him." I scoffed.

"Well at least I care about his safety."

I narrowed my eyes at the girl, anger boiling inside of me. "Allison, Scott is doing this for you. Everything he's doing is for you. So you need to stop being selfish and telling me that I, one of his best friends who he's known sense the third grade, don't care about his safely. Because I'm scared Allison. Terrified."

"Okay." Stiles cut us off as Allison glared at me profusely, "Let's calm down. Scott's going to be okay."

"Jackson." Lydia changed the subject. Her eyes grazing the lab table nervously. "You handed me the sulfuric acid right? It won't ignite if you didn't."

"I handed you what you asked for, right?"

Lydia uneasily frowned, "Yeah, yeah I'm sure you did."


"I'm fine. Seriously." Jackson snapped, clambering up from the ground.

The caption of the lacrosse team had had just screeched bloody murder and collapsed onto the tiled floor. Which doesn't really clarify as fine to me, or anyone for that matter.

"That didn't look fine." Said Allison, shaking her head.

"Hey, what's on the back of your neck?" Stiles asked, his eyes shifting behind Jackson.

"It's been there for weeks." Lydia stated, Jackson glaring at her. "And you still haven't told me what happened."

The video store. That-thing scratched him. Something was happening to Jackson, and I was afraid what. And I also wasn't sure if I should say something. Especially to Stiles and Scott.

"As if you actually cared." He remarked.

Oh how nice and sweet he was, such a cute and healthy relationship they have going on there.

Then, the door knob began jiggling slightly. "Scott?" Questioned Allison, who had hesitantly started making her way over to it.

A click was heard as she launched herself over to it. Pulling and yanking on it frantically. Scott had locked us in.

Nobody moved as Allison continued to yell his name, continuously attempting to pry open the locked door.

"Stop!" Lydia tried to hush her, "stop!"

Allison calmed her cries, glancing over to the strawberry blonde who spoke, "Do you hear that?"

The faint sound of sirens filled all of our ears, relief washing over everyone.

"Oh thank god."

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