A Strange Feeling

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The next morning you awoke to the sound of your alarm clock going off, sighing you got out of bed and got dressed, brushed your teeth and so on and so forth to get ready for the day ahead of you. Still tired from your lack of sleep you dragged yourself to work feeling dead on your feet, but all day something seemed like it was off. You pushed that thought aside for a while since you really needed your job and you seemed to just forget about it for a while. That is until the day ended and you were walking home, it felt like you were being watched. You looked around for a moment but you didn't see anything, okay strange but whatever. Still unable to shake that feeling you started to walk faster, you knew it was a bad idea to be out once it got dark almost everyone you had talked to here had told you that.

With in eighteen minuets or so you were back home and things started to feel normal after that so you shrugged it off figuring that it was just your imagination or just that you were still a bit nervous in this new city. A few days passed and the feeling of being watched persisted, every time you left your apartment you had that same sensation. It had you on edge, and dare I say a little scared. You asked yourself over and over 'why do I feel like I'm being watched all the time.....is someone really watching me or...' each time you stopped yourself trying to forget about it. But alas it soon became something you couldn't ignore, or rather someone for that matter

Why Are You So Different? Izaya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now