Chapter 9: If I Stay

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I walk into Mount Justice and I'm greeted by Megaan, holding the two pieces I need. "Thank you." I smile at her, trying to convince myself that This is For the best.

"What's wrong?" She asks, slowly haning me the pieces.

"Nothing." I lie and take the pieces.

"Something is wrong, I can tell, I've known you since you were thirteen, Richard." She explains.

"It's nothing to worry about." I answer. "I gotta get This device put together before I go out on patrol." I explain and start right away on it. "And please, For now on call me Nightwing when we are here or around the others. You and Wally may know my real name, but the others do not." I explain.

"Right, sorry, I keep forgetting Batman wishes For you identity to stay a secret." She replies.

"Alright, well, its put together, now remember it only works once. There's no second chance. So get it done right before our worlds cease to exist." I state, she nods and takes the device.

"Will you be alright tonight?" She asks.

"Yes, why?" I respond.

She gives me the look of, 'i know something is going on.'

"Nightwing, are you having second thoughts about This?" She asks, placing the device, gently, onto the table.

I sigh, in defeat. "I've been having second thoughts from the moment I said he needs to go." I state. "I think I'm in love with him." I say, feeling stupid.

She walks up to me and looks me in the eyes. "Nightwing, are you sure if you don't send him back that our worlds will collide and cease to exist?" She asks, being serious.

"Yes, his Nightwing and I found it out. And plus, that Nightwing is close to killing our Jason." I point out.

"Oh well we can't have that." She responds.

"Nope." I reply. "I need to go. Patrol is important, especially these days." I state.

"Alright, be careful." She hugs me and walks off with the device.

"Never." I respond back, with a laugh. I head out of Mount Justice, mount myself on my Nightbike, but For some reason I couldn't bring myself to start it.

Instead, I keep starring at the thing, as if it will speak to me, tell me that This whole thing is rubbish. But of course it won't, it doesn't speak.


An hour has passed since Richard ran off to the hide out, by now he Just be on patrol.

I find it odd that they have him on the day patrol instead of the night one.

The door bell rings and as if he was the flash, Alfred was at the door and opens it. He then leads the person into the living room, where I am.

The martian, Megaan, was standing next to Alfred. "You ready?" She asks, holding out the device.

"Are you sure ot will work?" I ask, trying to stall.

"If Richard says it will, it will." She explains.

"Right, he's always right." I mumble. I stand up and look at them. "Alright, where we doing This?" I ask.

"We must do it where you first appeared in This world." She answers, referring to the Batcave.

"Alright let's go." I gesture For her to go first. "Ladies first." She nods and heads to the cave entrance with Alfred leading the way.

I then take This advantage and slip out of the window, into the bushes, where I hid my redhood stuff, and head out to find Nightwing.

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