Chapter 4: Coulda, Woulda, But Shouldn't

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The door opens, sending the kid up to his feet. And at the door is This skinny, tall, orange haired, and green skinned girl comes walking in. "Hey Richard, I heard your door open and..." she stops in her tracks and looks at me. "Oh I didn't know you had a guest." She states.

"What?" He looks back at me. "No, its not what you think!" He blurts. "That's my brother, Jason." He states.

The girl Just laughs. "Oh okay." She finally says. "Well, I Just wanted to say Hey and I'll Just talk with you later." She waves and walks out of the room.

"Sorry, that was Miss M. She uh...she's seen a lot of Earth movies." He starts.

"Oh.." I sound surprised, knowing what he means. "Did she know what they were?" I ask.

"No." He answers.

"Well..." I run my hand through my hair. "That was awkward than." I laugh. He starts laughing to.

"Yeah." He finally says. He scratches the back of his head, holding his left hand on his hip. "So..." he starts.

"How is the young justice team?" I ask.

"Its going." He says. He starts pacing again.

I look him over, and realize he is wearing sunglasses inside, a black t-shirt, a pair of ripped at the knees jeans, and red converse. I look back up and see my old leather jacket, or at least This times, Jasons leather jacket.

"When did you start dressing like This?" I ask. Remembering the pictures I've seen at the mansion, where he's wearing a green or blue, sometimes read sweatshirt, pair of non-rip skinny jeans, converse, and still sunglasses.

He looks down at himself and grins. Looks back up at me. "I don't know to be honest. Just thought maybe its time for a new look." He answers.

"Is that?" I point at the Jacket.

He answers, without having to hear the rest. "Yeah, I uh...well he uh...." he starts tripping over himself.

"Wait wait wait!" I start. "Are you two?" He jumps at my question.

"What?! Hell no!" He shouts. I laugh and put my hands up. "He Just left it after he stormed out of our lives For 2 years." He answers. "I found it, took it, wore it. He came back and saw then said I can have it, to remember him by."

"So he has a soft side?" I ask.

He laughs. "The only times he is nice, is when he is storming out of our lives For a few years and comes back one day." He answers.

"Does he storm out a lot?" I ask, absent-minded.

His sigh gives me the answer. I lean forward, placing my elbows on my knees. "I see." I state.

"Yeah, things were good at first and then he was killed. He came back..."

"And was a different guy." I finish. He nods and sits back down next to me. And once again, sit in silence For a few minutes. I look him over again, and a slight laugh escapes my throat.

"What?" He asks, a small grin on his face.

"The Richard, I grew up with is the same tone as you. He barely works out like regular guys but..."

"He practices his circus technics?" He asks. I laugh and nod. "Yeah well, when you are raised in the circus as a flying grayson, it never leaves ya." He laughs. I nod, in understanding. "Does other me, pick on you a lot?" He asks. I shake my head and grin.

"Now that I think about it, he actually never meant too. I Just kept pissing him off. I Just kept bugging him." I answer.

"So, kinda like how I was with my Jason." He mumbles. I look up at him, confusion spreaded across my face, like jelly on a PB&J. "I Just wanted to get closer to him, but I Just ended up bugging him, and annoying him more than anything." He answers my unspoken question.

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