Chapter 6

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Sawyer's Point Of View

I look at my watch, its 8:00am. The doors just opened. I have class in 5 minutes. Then at 9:00am I'm going to go watch Hazel with the bonding session with Winter and Hope.

Winter and Hope. All I can think of. Today I'm actually going over about dolphins causing injury to a human. Lots of people asked about going into a little further detail about that. I was asked about it when Winter acted up after Panama dying. I held it off until now though.

Its 8:04am just about everyone's here.


"Well that wraps up class today. See you next week." I say as I finish up packing my papers.

I wave goodbye to everyone.

As I get the last of my papers, I see a boy come up. He must be a volunteer, I've never seen him here before. Wait, it couldn't be. I look back down at my papers, putting the last one in my backpack.

"Sawyer?" The boy says.

"Yes?"I say as I look up. "Wait, Ryan is that you?!"

"Yeah, it's really me. Hazel said I could find you here," he says.

"Wow, its been long," I say as we shake hands, my uninjured hand, which is my right hand.

"Definitely," he says.

"So what have you been up to lately, since the last time I saw you was a year ago," I say as we start walking to the main pool, which is where the bonding session will take place.

"Nothing much really," he says, "I mean your life must be going better than mine. Which brings me to say, what happened to your hand?" He asks.

"Oh. Um.. I fell off my bike and cut my hand," I respond. Thats a lie though.

"Okay," he says, as we reach the main pool. "What time does it start?"

"It starts at 9:00am," I say, then look at my watch, "It's 8:58am right now."

Just then I see Hazel walk to the other end (across from the platform). She smiles at me.

Hazel's Point Of View


The presentation is now over. Me and Sawyer are cleaning Winter and Hope's pool.

"So, did you see Ryan yet?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?" He says scrubbing near the platform.

"Just wondering. Oh and when did your mom say you could take that bandage off?" I ask cleaning the wall in between the main pool and east pool.

"Tomorrow I hope," he says while getting onto the platform. Winter and Hope are both in the east pool.

"Well that's good," I say

"Yeah, but what would be better is if I was allowed to swim with Winter," he says.

"Oh. Well um.. Sawyer, I um talked to my dad about running some tests on Winter to see if it's something medical," I say.

"Well I hope it's not anything really serious. Otherwise its like Panama all over again," he says, As we finish cleaning the pool.

"Well I think we are done now," I say.

"Yeah, what time is it?" He asks.

"Its," I say as I look at the clock,"8:58pm."

"Well I better get my stuff and ride home then," he says.

"Okay, I'll walk you outside," I say.

"Yeah, sure. Just let me get my stuff."


"Well I'll see you tomorrow right?" I ask as we reach the entrance.

"Yup," he says.

"Well bye," I say and hug him, he hugs back.

"Bye," he says as he mounts his bike.
Sawyer's Point Of View

I just got back, mom had the early shift today I think. I open the door and walked inside. Closing it behind me.

"Sawyer is that you?" My mom asks.

"Yes," I reply.

"Oh, okay," she says walking towards me in the kitchen.

"Do you want to check if it's healed yet?" She asks.

"Sure," I say putting my bag down.


I get changed into shorts and a T-shirt. After that I got in bed. I look at my watch before taking it off. It's 9:24pm. I get my book and lay in bed.


It's 9:52pm right now, as I look at my clock.

Just then my mom opens the door. She's in her pjs, probably getting ready for bed.

"Good night Sawyer," she says.

"Good night Mom," I say, as I put my book away.

"Does your hand hurt?" She asks.

"No," I say looking at my hand. They don't hurt but, the memory is still burned to my brain. You can still tell it's teeth marks but they are healed over now.

"Okay then," she says closing the door.

I lean over to turn off the lamp. I just lay there until sleep eventually takes over.

Author's Note
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It was 800+ words. A big thanks to the people who gave this book a chance. If you have any ideas you want in the book send me a Private Message me or comment below.

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