Chapter 3

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Sawyer's Point Of View

Its 6:32am right now and I have to be at CMA at 7:00am. I get dressed in some casual clothes (just a shirt and shorts) and put my CMA wet shirt and shorts in my backpack, along with some notes for the presentations. Then walk down the hall to the kitchen.

"Good morning, honey," my mom says.

"Good morning, mom," I reply.

"I'll be working the late shift today at the hospital. Okay?" She says.

"Yeah, that's fine," I tell her.

"Okay. Do you want some breakfast before you leave?" She asks.

"No, I'm fine," I say. Then I look at my watch, its 6:49am. "I better get going, I gotta be there at 7, mom," I say as I start to walk out the door.

"Okay honey, I'll see you when my shift is over," she says as I leave.


When I walk through the entrance its 6:57am. So I'm early. I decide to go get changed into my CMA wet shirt and shorts. Then I spot Hazel near Nicholas's pool.

"Hey, Hazel," I say.

"Oh, Sawyer. I didn't see you.... But um, hi," she says.

Just then Nicholas splashes us.

"Nicholas!" We both say. He just does it again and squeals. Hazel and I just start laughing.

"What are we going to do with you, Nicholas?" Hazel says. He just splashes her again and retreats to the other side of the pool.

"We should probably get ready for the bonding session with Winter," Hazel says.

"Yeah, we probably should," I look at the clock on the wall, It reads 7:54 . "It's only 6 minutes till the aquarium opens," I say.

"Yeah, today it's supposed to open at 8:00am instead of 9:00am," she replies.

We start walking to Winter and Hope's pool. I take my shoes off because I have to get in the water for the first bonding session today. Which is at 8:10am.

"Sawyer, people are already lined up outside the aquarium," Hazel says.

"Wow, okay then I'll get in," I reply as I get onto the platform.

Hope sees me get in and comes over at full speed and then squeals.

"Wow, she's grown a lot," I say, cause its true. Hope is a lot bigger than before. I put my hand out to stroke her. Then I spot people coming in. I look at the clock, its 8:01am.

Winter is still at the other end of the pool.

"Come here Winter," I say. She starts swimming over. When she gets closer to the platform, Hope nudges her. Winter nudges her back. I reach out to stroke Winter. Instead of being greeted with a whistle or happy squeal I am greeted with her teeth.

"Ow," I say from the pain.

"Sawyer, are you okay?!? Wait, no. She couldn't... Don't tell me she, wait did Winter nick you?" Hazel studders as she walks over to me.

"No, she bite me, but I'm fine. So don't worry, Hazel," I say as I get out of the pool. She looks at my hand.

"Sawyer, do you know why she might've done it?" She says grabbing my hand to look at it.

"No. I'm fine though, I'll just go wash off the blood," I say as I free my hand from Hazel's grip. I go and wash my hand off.


Its 8:05am when I get back from cleaning off all the blood that was on my hand. I finally got it to stop bleeding to.

"We should tell my dad," Hazel says when I get back.

"About Winter?" I ask.

"Yeah, I mean she never bites unless she's afraid, and your the last person she would bite. So how odd is it that she would bite you?" She asks.

"That's true, I guess," I mutter.

"It's like she doesn't remember you," Hazel says. "Let's go to my dad's office to tell him."

"Okay," I reply.

We walk to Dr. Clay's office. Hazel knocks on the door because it's closed.

"Come in," I hear Dr. Clay say.

She opens the door and walks in, I follow.

"Dad, we wanted to talk to you about something," she says.

"I'm listening," Dr. Clay replies.

"Well Winter has been acting strange towards Sawyer," she says.

"How?" He responds.

"Sawyer tell him," Hazel says.

"Okay," I say," Well yesterday when I called Winter and Hope over, Winter well, she um... She stayed at the other end of the pool. Usually she would come at full speed or something. Then this morning when I called them over Hope came speeding over squealing and Winter came slowly. When I tried to stroke her though, she bite me -- but it was small -- nothing to be concerned about." I say.

"So you say that Winter bite you?" Dr. Clay says surprised.

"Yeah," I say.

"Are you okay now though?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, really. It was small, nothing to be worried about," I say assuring.

"Dad, she doesn't bite people. I mean look," Hazel says grabbing my wrist and showing him my hand. "Winter doesn't just do this!"

It might only be a couple of teeth marks but they sure were deep and it hurt.

"What?! Wait, so your telling me, she did that, Sawyer," he says looking at my hand.

"Yeah, but I'm fine, really. Its nothing," I say as I pull my hand from Hazel's grip.

"We'll get someone else to do the presentation for you Sawyer," Dr. Clay says. "Meanwhile, I'm sending you home and your not allowed to swim with Winter until I say so. Okay? You understand?"

"I understand, Dr. Clay" I say saddened.


Hazel insisted that she walks me outside to where my bike is.

"Why do you think she did it?" She asks as we open the door.

"I don't know... Maybe she doesn't remember me," I say.

"Of course Winter remembers you Sawyer. Don't say things like that. You saved her life," Hazel says assuring.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow then," I say as I mount my bike.

"Bye," she says.

"Bye," I say as I start riding home.

Author's Note
This chapter was long 1000+ words. Anyway, sorry about being bad with dialogue. I'm not used to it. Anyway if you have any ideas that you would like to see just send me a Private Message or Comment below. Also it's very appreciated if you vote on this book. Thanks for all your support and for all of those giving this book a chance.

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