Chapter 6

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How to Room with a Guy

Chapter 6

Rule #9: Don't stand too close to them when they are mad
I starred into his eyes, watching as they softened, his face slowly getting closer to mine, his eyes fluttering closed.

Tori's POV
I let my eyes fall close, thinking about how his plump, pink lips were nearing my own, imagining the feel of his lips against mine, his hands on my body, in my hair trailing around -

"Zach! Tori! Time for dinner!"

I blinked, opening my eyes to see Zach's face a breath away from mine.

I bit my lip, and he groaned, moving away from me.

He stood up, sticking a hand out to help me up, "do me a favor?" he asked, "stop doing that." At my look of confusion, he continued on, "biting your lip, it's, uh, distracting."

I watched as he rubbed the back of his neck, his nervous habit coming into play as he lead me up the stairs, dropping my hand as we got to the top. It was like it never even happened.

And I guess nothing really did.
Rule #10: Don't look into their eyes

We laid down side by side, our arms touching in the bed.

We didn't say anything for a while, just staying in silence.

I don't know about him, but I was picturing what happened earlier, replaying it over and over in my mind.

He was going to kiss me.

Zach was going to kiss me.

I didn't know what I felt about that.

My best friend was going to kiss me.

I had shared enough kisses with guys over the years to know when a kiss was in the moment and when it was because they liked you, but to be honest, I had no idea with this one.

It was very much an in-the-moment kind of thing, but the pain in his eyes was real, and he wasn't as hesitant as someone kissing in a moment.

They move slowly, deliberately but waiting to make sure you didn't back out. Zach didn't do that, he closed his eyes as soon as he moved in, as if he knew I was going to kiss him if it had gotten that far.

Wrapped up in my own thoughts, I didn't notice Zach as he turned towards me, his eyes meeting mine in the dark.

Moonlight bounced through his eyes, lighting up just enough of his face.

His finger reached up, trailing the outline of jaw and check bone.

He smiled almost lovingly at me.

But I wrote that off as my imagination.

"About earlier," I whispered, a little afraid to break the trance we seemed to slowly falling into.

"Don't," he said, trailing his eyes down to my lips. "Don't over think anything, Tor."

"But," I started, not finishing as his hand trailed lower, over the curve of my side, tickling me.

In order to stop myself from squeaking or making some other weird noise, I bit my lip.

I watched as his brown eyes seemed to turn even darker, even in the dark of the night.

I low growl came from the back of his throat and our locked gazes faded as my eyes closed, the contact of his lips causing them to shut.

His arms trailed through my hair, down my face until they fell around my waist.

Mine found their way into his hair, fisting it in an attempt to bring him even closer to me as I worked my mouth against his.

Tongues met, dancing that intricate step as he rolled us over, his body on top of mine.

My heart swelled at the heat he brought with him, as he pressed me closer into his bed.

One of my legs came to stay on his hip, holding us together as the kiss continued.

I broke up for air, and he trailed kisses up and down my neck until he seemed content.

He rolled us again, and he was back next to me, his arm wrapped around me and our legs tangled together, nice and close.

We starred into each others eyes as the night went on, our breaths evening out until we were both asleep.
'What time are you done working?' -Matt

I looked at my phone confused.

I wasn't sure why Matt was texting me in order to ask that.

The only reason I even had my phone out at work was because I was hoping Zach would text me.

I had contemplated telling him I was really bored because the shop was empty, but I hadn't worked up the courage to do it.

I replied back to Matt anyway, hoping I would find out what the reasoning behind him asking was.

'7:30. Why?' -Tori

I waited for less than 60 seconds before he replied back.

'We have a date tonight, remember? That work party for my mom? You promised you would go. And I'll pick you up at 8:15, okay?' -Matt

Remembering that I had promised a while ago that I would go with him, I let out a groan.

I was planning on stop this whole date thing with Matt, but I guess it would have to wait until tonight.

Next Chapter: Some advice from Tori's friend, a lie, and a twisted ending, in more ways than one.

a/n: Sorry it's a little shorter than usual, but that kiss though? Don't forget, 4 more chapters and the bonus one. :) Comment and let me know what you thought?! Also, check out my other story Going for the Goal. It's a full length novel, but it has a similar feel to this book! :)

Love Always,

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