Chapter 5

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How to Room with a Guy

Chapter 5

Rule #7: Don't ask them for guy advice

Tori's POV

I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth, my teeth pulling gently at the skin as I stood in the open doorway of Zach's room.

Knocking lightly, he looked up at me before shaking his head and going back to what he was doing.

Unpleased, I cleared my throat and asked, "May I come in?"

He looked up at my again, a small hint of a smirk on his face, "It's your room too, Tori."

I let my teeth dig deeper into my bottom lip to stop myself from somewhat swooning at his words.

"Well, not really, but thank you."

He flashed me a dazzling smile before grabbing the CD that freshly popped out of his laptop.

"I just made the best mix-tape ever." Zach told me, a proud look on his face.

I smiled back at him while still trying to keep my hopes at bay. "So we're good?"

His smile fell a little, and he bit his lip, looking me up and down quickly, "yeah, you, uh, promised not to, uh, um, do . . . that in my room again, so were cool. Good. Whatever."

I smiled at him, knowing that sometimes words were hard for him to come up with, and as a lyric girl, I always loved the way he finally got across what he meant. It seemed like the reason he had a hard time was because he was always searching for the perfect word, instead of just going with the first one that came to mind, and it made his sentences just that much better.

"Great, because I couldn't do this without you."

A genuine smile spread across his face as I took the CD from his hands, popping it into our boom box.

As we listened, we stayed very into the music, not really talking just enjoying the lyrics and melodies on the CD.

But I turned to Zach, asking, "What do you think we are?"

Already regretting even asking, I took in his shocked face and the way his lips moved as if wanting to talk but not knowing what to say.

"What?" He finally sputtered out, starring at my with that same incredulous look.

"I mean we make out sometimes and we go on dates but it's not like an every week thing. It's just kind of random and whatever, but he always initiates them, and I don't know, I just not really sure what he wants. And I'm not the type of person that just sleeps around, but it's not like I really want to date other people or anything and -"

"Wait," Zach said, his looking turning a little mad, "you're talking about you and Math?"

I looked at him for a moment before nodding slowly, "Matt. And yeah . . ."

"Matt is a douche bag." Zach said, getting up and walking out of room, slamming the door behind him.

I watched the chair he was sitting on as it spun around in circles wondering what exactly just happened.
Rule #8: Leave them alone when they are pissed off for no reason

"Hey, Zach?" I asked, standing in the doorway of the basement living room area.

He sat crossed legged on the floor playing a video game

When he didn't answer me, I went to sit down beside him.

"Go away, Tori."

Those were the first words I had heard from him in hours.

After he stormed out of the room, Zach went for a run, and I sat in the painfully quiet house letting guilt eat away at my stomach as I tried to figure out why we was so upset.

It didn't work, if I was honest.

I had come up with a few ideas, but they either seemed outrageous or they didn't make sense.

Zach was my best friend and therefore he cared about me.

That was the best answer I could give.

I guess he didn't like how Matt has been treating me.

I don't know.

Maybe he's right, if that is even what he is thinking. Maybe I shouldn't settle for a few dates here and there.

Maybe I deserve a real, honest to god, meet-the-parents boyfriend.

But that also doesn't explain why he's not talking to me.

If that was the case, he would be lecturing me about how Matt isn't good enough, not shutting himself off into the basement, playing video games, and refusing to talk to me.

"Zach, you have to talk to me," I pleaded wrapping my arm around his bicep.

"Damnit, Victoria! I said go away! That means I don't want to talk to you. Aren't you supposed to be smart? Leave."

I flinched back as Zach yelled at me, especially since he used my full name and I had never even heard him even say it before, but I didn't make a move to get up or change my position in anyway, instead staring into the deep look in his eyes.

"What did I do, Zach? What did I do to get you so mad? Please, just tell me. I can't stand you being mad at me." I was begging him, one step away from getting down on my knees.

He didn't answer, but the tightness in his jaw made me swallow a little harder, trying not to bite my lip.

He looked away, apparently no longer able to keep eye contact with me. I kept staring, challenging him in a way to stare back at me.

He met the challenge. His eyes locking with mine as he spoke.

"Can't you just leave me alone?" His voice was no longer loud yelling, it was quiet and hurt. Zach was showing what he was hiding behind the anger, and that gave me hope to know that it wasn't as bad as I thought.

"No, Zach. I can't lose you, not even for a day. You mean to much to me. I meant it when I said I can't do this without you."

I starred into his eyes, watching as they softened, his face slowly getting closer to mine, his eyes fluttering closed.

Next Chapter: Interruptions, anger, and brown eyes.

a/n: And you got the first really bad cliff hanger of the story. Sorry. Well not really, but we can pretend. See you next week.

Update: SaturdayEarly update . . . 10 different people commenting.

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