Chapter 2

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How to Room with a Guy

Chapter 2

Rule #1: Always Remember your Clothes When you Take a Shower


Tori's POV

"I'm just saying, it's like he wanted the spit ball thrown at him."

I rolled my eyes at Zach, dropping my bag next to his before hoping onto the bed.

He jumped up after me, forcing me to fall back onto the bed with him on top of me.

Laughing, I pushed him off, sitting up slightly as he rolled off of me.

"This is awesome. It's like summer. We never have to stop hanging out."

I rolled my eyes at my best friend. "Right. Awesome."

He glared, poking me in the side and proceeding to tickle me until I gave up, surrendering to him.

"Alright, fine! I give up! It's awesome."

Zach smiled, and stood up with a proud smirk, hitting a button on his phone, which was connected to a speaker system, and playing some music.

Who would have figured that we would have music constantly playing between the two of us.

"Want to go on my run with me today?"

"Zach, I don't run."

"It's not the long one," he protested, that cute pout on his face.

"How long," I asked slowly, not quite giving in yet.

"6 miles."

"Um, no, Zach." I told him, giving my best are-you-fucking-kidding-me look. "That is not a short run."

The blonde headed boy just smirked at me, like he knew it already and he just wanted to get under my skin.

I got up, changing the song before heading into the bathroom to shower.

"Um, Zach?" I asked, poking my head out of the bathroom door, my towel clutched tightly in one hand as I held the door steady with the other.

Looking around, I didn't see him anywhere, so I headed out into the room.

Just as I walked out, I crashed into a chest, propelling myself backwards until my back slammed the door shut, the person's hands on either side of my head.

"Zach?" I asked, my voice squeaking slightly.

"That's right, Baby, say my name." His breath was warm against my neck, sending shivers down my spine and making me twist my body closer to his for warmth.

"Zach, what are you doing?"

His hips moved in a quick circle and my mind blanked for a second, as I pressed up against him.

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