Stolen by the brotherhood Chapter 14 - The Power of Order

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Cillian merely watched me, his face bathed in the orb's ethereal glow. I gazed at my hands immersed in an aura that reminded me of the Northern Lights that I'd once seen on a visit to Aberdeen. I felt an intense pang of homesickness and blinked away incipient tears. I suddenly felt that sensation of being torn again; like I was two people trapped in one body. Maybe that's exactly what I was.

"I know you've been through so much in such a short time, Tilly, but try to understand what I've told you. This has not been a series of random events. There is a reason why you're here."

"I know what you told me, Cillian," I said, realising how familiar his name sounded as I spoke it. "As a little girl, I loved mythology and stories about the magical creatures of other worlds. I always spent so much time in the woods, drawing, painting, designing outfits that were influenced by those creatures and day dreams." I paused to wipe my eyes. "But never did I imagine I would actually be living one of those stories."

Cillian gazed into my eyes. I should have felt anger, fear, and confusion considering he'd taken me from my home and the life I knew. Yet the emotions churning through me were quite the opposite. I felt powerfully drawn to him, as though I were a piece of metal drawn to a magnet.

I'd never felt such a powerful connection with someone I barely knew and, I had to admit, I'd never felt so attracted to Donte. Whenever I was with Cillian there was no denying my physical response to him, and that feeling more than anything told me that what he had said might just be true.

Certainly, I couldn't deny my burgeoning feelings, but to feel such an intense connection in such a short time aroused my suspicion. Was Cillian using his powers to seduce me? To make the impossible seem possible? Not only did I feel lost and out of place in a strange country, I felt the same about my feelings.

Cillian picked up the orb and rose.

"Let's go," he said, reaching for my hand. "You need to rest, and I have some things to attend to this evening. We'll talk later, but there's still a great deal more you need to know about the curse and the consequences before you make any decisions."

As he clasped my hand, I noticed the ruddy glow from the tattoo on his wrist. Spirals of light wafted from it like miniature forks of lightning. I stared at the phenomenon in fascination.

Cillian noted my scrutiny but said nothing as he led me back through the woods toward the manor.

"What's the rush?" I asked as he hurriedly pulled me along.

"My brothers are returning. I don't want you disturbed by them tonight."

I would be more than happy not to see them for as long as possible, but my pending imprisonment bothered me. I turned to Cillian with a look of concern.

"Please... how much longer must I stay confined to my room? I hate being locked away. I want to be outside and walk among the trees and breathe the fresh air."

He stopped and gently caressed my cheek. The gesture calmed me.

"I promise you won't be confined. Tomorrow you can go outside."

Tomorrow felt like a long time to be locked away without any other form of communication or entertainment. The only thing I could do was ponder my very uncertain future and my equally uncertain past.

I looked at the manor ablaze with light and for a moment, I imagined horse-drawn carriages carrying elegantly dressed guests. Upstairs, my room glowed, the lights pooling through the balcony doors. So often I'd visited stately homes and wondered what it must be like to live in such splendour. Now, I was an unwitting guest.

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