Chapter two: No More Serenity

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Chapter two: No More Serenity

     I felt it. That feeling you get when you realise you're done. By 'done', I mean finished. My life from this point forward was over.

     No more serenity.

     No more peaceful nights.

     No more walking around the house in my bikini.

     And most of all, I can't sing around the house either.

     I'm not going to brag, because I'm not the kind of person who does that, but I'm not that bad at singing. I've been told by plenty of people that I actually have a genuinely nice voice. But it's people like Niall Horan who made me believe different. People like him who told me day in and day out that I was horrible and I could never have a future in singing. So if it ever came to it, I'd just sing around the house or in the shower.

     Without saying a word to Niall, I planted a kiss on Maura's cheek to say hello and mumbled that I was going to the beach. I dashed around the side of the house, wincing on the small rocks and pebbles below the trees that hung over the side, seeing as how I was too focused on getting away from there to put my thongs on, and finally came across the path that lead toward the beach.

     Once the white sand was in sight, I sighed in relief and calmly strode through the gap in between the wooden gates and the whole beach came into view. It was quite a long beach since it went around the boarder of the whole area and lead up to other homes and places. It was never really busy since only the people with beach homes came on it most of the time, passing by to walk to the boardwalk or visit, but I did notice a few people on it today; though none of them were recognisable.

     I took my first few steps onto the soft grains of sand and felt as if I was walking on a cloud. I found my little spot, away from other people - just the way I like it.

     The gates to the shore wasn't a long distance, so I sat as far from the shore as possible, just beneath a small amount of shade formed by a coconut tree. Grabbing the towel from underneath my arm, I unrolled it, flapping it into the air and placing it neatly beneath the branches and slowly stepped onto the towel, adjusting into the position to lie on my back.

     Very few open spaces from the tree let small areas of sunlight peak through and it was just perfect for now. The sun wasn't very strong so I didn't have to worry about an awkward tan. A small sigh left my lips as I closed my eyes and placed my sunglasses over the bridge of my nose. Time to relax.


     "Heads up! Heads--" was all I heard, followed by a sharp gasp.

     Without another second left to think, I was suddenly awoken by a flying soccer ball hitting me square in the middle of my forehead. Not only was the pain enough to bare but I also heard a snap. My body jolted with shock and I immediately sat up. What was that snap? Did I break my... Forehead?

     Rubbing my head, I glanced down into my lap and saw my sunglasses completely snapped in half. Breathe in and out. I shut my eyes for a second, and looked up to tell whoever it was, who in fact have poor ball control, that it was okay. But as soon as I saw the messy blonde hair and the smirk that was finding its way onto his face, my blood boiled. He looked over to his right and I followed his sight, leading me to Liv who was laughing so hard, she was clutching her waist. That's it.

     Without saying a word, I climbed off my towel, began swaying it in the air to get rid of any excess sand, and packed the halves of my broken sunglasses inside it - folding it up so that I could leave it near the gate and start walking away from them. Oh, and the ball. I glanced over to Niall and Liv who were waiting for the ball back, watching me curiously as to why I was packing up.

Summer with HIM? (Niall Horan Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя