Chapter 14 - Encounter with Ralph and Bruce

Start from the beginning

I stared at him in awe, if only I had that magazine in my hand. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes had bags under them and my hair was a birds nest, my head was aching and I felt dizzy.

"I would say you look beautiful but you look like crap." He smiled at me sheepishly and I rolled my eyes at him.

I grabbed black shorts with a matching shirt and went to shower. After my shower I got dressed and applied makeup consisting of foundation, eyeliner, mascara, blusher and a nude lipstick. I straightened my hair and teased it.

I looked in the mirror and a broken girl stared back at me, a girl who knew everything was too good to be true. Yesterday was one of the best days of my life yet at the same time one of the worst. I just wanted to grab Daniel's hand and run away from everyone. Just the two of us. This sounds too cliché.

I sighed and put a fake smile on my face and walked out of the bathroom, Daniel was in bed snoring lightly. I smiled at how innocent he looked and walked over and run my hand through his super soft sexy smelling hair. He smirked and I immediately knew he was awake now. I was sitting on the bed and Daniel placed his head on my lap making me freeze and my eyes widened. Can this get any more awkward, by now any girlfriend wouldn't have minded their boyfriend sleeping on their lap but it only made me freak out. Who am I kidding it felt fucking awesome to have him all to myself.

"Doll who did you see last night?" He mumbled and opened his hazel eyes.

My breath caught in my throat and I stopped running my hand through his hair. What do I do? Lie to him or tell him the truth? If I lie to him it will make matters worse but I know if I tell him the truth it will only make him pity me more. "I...I don't want to say." My voice barely a whisper.

"Please doll, I need to know. Was it...was it your ex-boyfriend or erm...husband?" His fists were clenched making his knuckles turn white.

"HUSBAND?" I freaked making him chuckle.

"Okay forget what I just said and tell me who were they?"

I sighed. "It was my stepmothers sons, they're the ones who do all her dirty work for her. They also used to abuse me, not sexually because they knew about my gang activities. But lets just say when their fists collided with my face they would knock me out for a day or two. I don't know why they followed me or what they want but I'm planning on finding out. They're after me and I don't want anyone close to me to get hurt. Please let me deal with this." I trailed off and looked into his eyes, he looked angry.

That's never a good sign.

"You think I'm going to let you deal with two guys who used to beat the crap out of you. HELL TO THE NO. From now on you listen to me and you don't put yourself in danger just to protect your loved ones, because your loved ones can take care of themselves. I will deal with this and I don't care if you don't like my protective side so deal with it baby doll." He got up and left the room leaving me alone, my jaw dropped and my eyes widened. I'm pretty sure I look like a fish.

After sitting around for a few minutes I got up and went to the kitchen. I greeted everyone and ate breakfast in silence. I was still confused about everything and I wanted answers.

"Catt do you want to come shopping with me and Tia?" Paris asked. I was about to answer when Daniel answered instead.

"No she doesn't want to." He said with no emotion.

I glared at him and he glared back. "Yes I do want to and I'm coming."

"Well in that case you're not allowed to go out at all." He said.

My blood was boiling and boy did I want to slap him round the face and castrate him.

"I'm not your prisoner."

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